Jeanne Drisko, M.D.

ANH-USA, Chairman
Jeanne Drisko, MD is the Riordan Professor of Orthomolecular Medicine and director of the Program in Integrative Medicine at the University of Kansas Medical Center. Dr Drisko conducts integrative medicine research at the University including trials investigating efficacy and safety of intravenous ascorbate in cancer and infectious disease, safety of bioidentical ‘natural’ hormones, trial to assess chelation therapy in cardiovascular disease among other projects. She was awarded the 2006 K-INBRE research award at the Medical Center.
Dr Drisko teaches a fourth-year medical student elective in integrative medicine along with other teaching duties to 1st and 2nd year students, nursing students, and practicing physicians. A fellowship program in integrative medicine for primary care physicians began in 2008 under Dr Drisko’s leadership. She was nominated by the University of Kansas Medical Student Assembly to receive the Rainbow Award for Excellence in Teaching the Art of Medicine.
Dr Drisko serves the School of Medicine at KU Med by sitting on multiple committees, provides guidance for the State of Kansas on topics in integrative medicine, and participates at the national level on CAM initiatives. Dr Drisko is a member of the Kansas Cancer Research Institute and an advisory board member of the General Clinical Research Center at the University. She served on an Institute of Medicine committee and the report on complementary and alternative medicine was published in 2005. The Program in Integrative Medicine at KU Med is a member of the Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine, a prestigious group of top academic CAM programs where Dr Drisko serves on the steering committee. Dr Drisko has been an advisor to the National Education Dialogue for CAM therapies and served on an expert panel for CAM therapy integration by the RAND Corporation. Dr Drisko is the immediate past-president of the American College for Advancement in Medicine, the oldest CAM physician member organization.

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