ANH-USA is committed to protecting the rights of citizens to choose alternative and integrative health solutions. To this end we actively engage in legal battles to insure that those rights are not taken away. Since 1992, we have successfully stood against those forces who would limit that access. We continue to wage this battle on behalf of American citizens, doctors and suppliers of alternative therapies
Current Legal Activities
In the area of compounding, ANH-USA submitted a comment objecting to the proposed elimination of public participation from the process of revising the list of drug products that have been withdrawn or removed from the market for reasons of safety or effectiveness. We may pursue legal action if FDA doesn’t take our concerns into consideration. We also submitted nominations and comments for the two list of bulk drug substances that may be compounded. In our comment regarding the list for outsourcing facilities, we argued against the new standard being imposed to get placed on the list, giving us the potential to take legal action following further action by FDA.
ANH-USA submitted lengthy comments regarding FDA’s Nutrition Fact Panel proposal, laying the groundwork for potential legal action.
ANH-USA petitioned FDA to ban the use of phthalates from prescription and nonprescription drugs.
Legal Victories
Since our inception we have waged successful battles to protect health freedom and choice. Some of our notable legal accomplishments include:
- Submitted an amicus brief opposing the USDA’s “pasteurization” rule that applies even to raw, organic almonds. The allowed “pasteurization” methods would cause a marked reduction in nutrient content, and includes the use of a possible carcinogen.
- Filed an amicus brief in support of POM Wonderful’s suit against the Federal Trade Commission to protect free speech rights for natural products and to protect consumer access to information about the therapeutic effects of natural products.
- new law that recognizes licensure for advance degree and credentialed nutritionists instead of just Registered Dietitians. The law will also provide greater protections for acupuncturists, health food stores, small business and individuals to provide nutrition advice.
- Proactively replaced Illinois’ ten-year old monopolistic dietitian law with a new law that recognizes licensure for advance degree and credentialed nutritionists instead of just Registered Dietitians. The law will also provide greater protections for acupuncturists, health food stores, small business and individuals to provide nutrition advice.
- Defeated anti-competitive legislation pushed by the ADA in California that would have restricted the practice of nutrition to Registered Dieticians alone.
- three lawsuits against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in support of the natural products industry’s right to speak freely to consumers about the science behind their products, and have so far won our suits on selenium and antioxidant health claims in federal court.
- Successfully sued the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (Pearson vs. Shalala) for violating the First Amendment by not allowing the dissemination of truthful, scientific information on dietary supplement labels.
To assist us in continuing to fight the legal battles required to maintain your access to integrative practices, please consider becoming a member and supporting our cause.