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America’s Toxic Body Burden—Face-off with the FDA over the Safety of BPA in Plastic

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As discussed in the 9/9/08 issue of Pulse of Health Freedom, the FDA has ignored other government experts and sided with industry on BPA, a widespread chemical that another government agency has deemed potentially dangerous. An important update to that story is the 9/16/08 Journal of the American Medical Association article linking BPA to both heart disease and diabetes in adults. The same day, the FDA issued a statement defending their assessment that BPA is safe, specifically stating that “a margin of safety exists that is adequate to protect consumers, including infants and children,” according to senior FDA scientist Laura Tarantino. The FDA’s report has put it as odds with the National Toxicology Program, which expressed its concern over the safety of BPA in a September report. BPA is found in plastic bottles, food cans, and dental sealants among other uses.

Practitioners skilled in environmental medicine have been on the front line of patient care for five decades, treating patients whose health has been affected by the burden of toxic chemicals like BPA—and hundreds of others as well.
Click to learn more about Reform FDA, an important action by AAHF to help create a new and better FDA by reform and reconstruction.

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