Press Release: Minnesota Court Orders Chemo for 13-Year-Old Boy

Minnesota Court Orders Chemo for 13-Year-Old Boy

For Immediate Release: May 15, 2009
Contact: Gretchen DuBeau, 202.267.1986
A Minnesota judge has ruled that Daniel Hauser, a 13-year-old boy from Sleepy Eye, Minnesota, must receive medical treatment for Hodgkin’s lymphoma over his parents’ objections. The Hausers live on a dairy farm and subscribe to natural medicines and alternative treatments for illnesses. Daniel received one round of chemotherapy after strong recommendations from the medical community. That one round of chemotherapy resulted in an extended stay in the hospital and from that point on, only natural treatments have been administered.
The American Association for Health Freedom (AAHF) has long advocated for the right of consumers to choose which modality of treatment works best for them—that such choices not a government matter. As AAHF Executive Director Gretchen DuBeau commented, “I am shocked at the court’s ruling. For the court to intervene and disregard the parents’ right to parent and dismiss the child’s wishes is a travesty. Our Constitution affords certain rights, and the court has completely trampled on them!”
A parent’s right to make healthcare decisions in what they believe are the best interests of their child should be protected. Unfortunately, Daniel Hauser’s case exemplifies the need to protect the rights of individuals, including parents acting on behalf of a minor child, to choose the modality of treatment that fits their needs.
DuBeau continued, “As a parent, I am very disturbed by today’s ruling. The inherent right of an individual to care for his or her own body, and of a parent to care for his or her own child, should not be capriciously dismissed. It is still unclear as to what exactly ‘the compelling state interest’ is that the court used to justify this ruling.”
The Hauser family has until May 19, 2009, to have a chest x-ray and see an oncologist. The Hausers conducted extensive research into various treatments prior to their decision to seek a natural, non-toxic approach to treat Daniel’s cancer.
“The Hausers should be commended for walking the walk—caring for their son in a manner they believe is in his best interest and is in alignment with their religious beliefs,” DuBeau concluded. “AAHF believes individuals have the right to choose whichever treatment modality the individual deems is beneficial for them—without government interference.”
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About the American Association for Health Freedom (AAHF):
AAHF is a 501(c)4 nonprofit organization that protects Americans’ rights to access integrative medicine and dietary supplements. AAHF protects the right of the consumer to choose and the practitioner to practice by lobbying Congress and state legislatures; educating the public, press, and decision-makers on integrative medicine; initiating legal activities; and joining and forming significant coalitions.

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