Legal Center

Millions of Americans have suffered injury and death from dangerous drugs. Our new Legal Center helps victims receive compensation for injuries and promotes the removal of harmful products from the market. Review our current lawsuits below to see if you’ve taken one of these drugs, and we’ll help you get justice.

ANH-USA works to expose the crony medical system that pushes millions of Americans into taking dangerous prescription drugs instead of cheap, safe, and effective natural therapies. Pharmaceutical drugs are a major health risk: properly prescribed drugs cause an estimated 1.9 million hospitalizations and 128,000 deaths each year. FDA negligence is a primary driver of this tragedy. Nearly one third of drugs approved by the FDA have safety concerns after they come to market. This is shocking but not surprising, given that the FDA is financially beholden to the industry it is meant to regulate—through user fees, Big Pharma pays the FDA to approve its drugs. Americans are paying the price of this cronyism with their lives.

That’s why ANH-USA has launched #RxAccountable. We’re calling for a more rigorous drug approval process that exposes safety risks of drugs before they are approved by the FDA.

Current Legal Actions

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