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Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a natural compound found in the hemp plant that has a number of benefits, particularly for treating pain. CBD was widely available as an affordable dietary supplement. Now, the FDA has approved a CBD drug that will cost $32,500 a year. The FDA’s position is that CBD is not a supplement because it is an approved drug—meaning that, whenever it wants to, the federal government can clear CBD supplements from the market.

This is our crony medical system at its finest. In the midst of an opioid epidemic that is killing more people each year than traffic accidents, the federal government turns a cheap, safe, effective, and non-addictive alternative to opioids into an expensive drug.

ANH-USA is fighting for an exemption for CBD to be sold in supplements at therapeutic doses, so consumers can benefit from this powerful natural medicine without breaking the bank.

ANH Victories

  • We supported the successful inclusion of positive language on CBD in the House FY 2020 Appropriations committee report, encouraging the FDA to allow CBD in dietary supplements and food
  • We supported a CBD oil amendment that was added toR.3055 – Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2020. It instructed the FDA to undertake a process to make lawful a safe level for conventional foods and dietary supplements containing Cannabidiol (CBD) so long as the products are compliant with all other FDA rules and regulations.
  • We submitted comments to the Pain Management Task Force recommending natural methods of pain relief.


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