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USDA Makes Surprising Commitments to Organic Food, Access to Local Food, and Food as Medicine

USDA Makes Surprising Commitments to Organic Food, Access to Local Food, and Food as Medicine
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From Moms Across America

On Wednesday, May 31, 2022, Tom Vilsack, US Secretary of Agriculture, made a major announcement about the funding of a framework to transform the food supply. Referencing supply chain issues as the impetus for the changes, Vilsack laid out a comprehensive plan which would, if implemented thoroughly, decrease further supply chain issues and increase access to healthy, organic food for millions.

The welcome and surprising news was that funding for organic food production, primarily transitioning from conventional to organic, jumped from $20 million in previous years to $300 million. 

In addition, a major victory for the health and food movement is that $40 million in funding will support produce as prescription…in other words, food as medicine. This funding will support doctors to be able to prescribe fresh (hopefully organic and local) produce to patients who have limited access to proper nutrition. 

Up to $175 million is slated for urban agriculture, $400 million to create regional food business centers to support access to local food, $60 million for the Farm-to-School program, $155 million to reduce food deserts, and even $50 million for senior centers to have greater access to local farmers market produce.

Read the full article.

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