Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

Using Hyperbaric Medicine in Treating Brain Injured Soldiers
Scientific Overview
News and More

HBOT Scientific Overview
There is a lot of scientific information available to support the use of hyperbaric medicine in treating brain injuries. Here you will find the following scientific papers:
Rescue for Blunt Trauma, Crush & Acute Traumatic Brain Injury
The Use of Hyperbaric Medicine in Acute Trauma
Evidence For Use Of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy For Acute Traumatic Brain Injury
HBOT News and More
Here you will find articles, news, presentations, and Congressional testimony of interest concerning hyperbaric medicine and brain injuries.
Military prodded on brain injuries – USA Today/Detroit Free Press
VA’s ongoing care for brain-injured veterans falls short – USA Today
Quantification of Neurocognitive Changes Before, During, and After Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in a Case of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome by Dr. Kenneth P. Stoller – Pediatrics
International Hyperbaric Medical Association presentation on Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and SPECT Brain Imaging in the Treatment of Chronic Brain Injury
Paul Harch, MD, President, International Hyperbaric Medical Association testified before Labor, health and Human Services and Education Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations on “The Impact of Hyperbaric Medicine on Government Health Care, Disability, and Education Expenditures”

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