Press Release: Vitamin Experts Condemn Harvard Study

Press Release: Vitamin Experts Condemn Harvard Study Doctors and scientists say study was flawed

For Immediate Release: January 12, 2009
U.S. Contact: Gretchen DuBeau, ph 800-230-2762
International Contact: Dr Robert Verkerk, ph +44-1306-646-600
Today the American Association for Health Freedom (AAHF) and the Alliance for Natural Health (ANH) have together sharply criticized defective and misleading research published on January 7 in The Journal of the National Cancer Institute, which claims that vitamins don’t prevent cancer.
The ANH has released its critique on the study by Dr Jennifer Lin and colleagues at the Harvard Medical School, which concludes that the lack of effects demonstrated could have been predicted before the start of the 8-year study involving over 7,600 women with heart disease or high risk of it who averaged 60 years of age.
“This study was destined from the outset to obtain a negative result” said Dr Damien Downing, medical director of ANH, a practicing medical doctor who has practiced nutritional and environmental medicine for over 25 years. Dr Downing also criticized the journal editor for publishing the study “in the knowledge that the data do not support the conclusions.”
Dr Robert Verkerk, scientific director of ANH, said: “Diet is the single biggest factor contributing to cancer, and there is a rapidly growing body of both research and clinical evidence to show that concentrated forms of nutrients including vitamins, minerals and botanicals are invaluable in cancer prevention.”
ANH’s critique shows that the study has no bearing on the effects of the three vitamins used, vitamins C and E and beta-carotene, on cancer prevention in healthy people. “Many of the risk factors associated with heart disease and cancer are shared, and nearly 80% of the women in the study were overweight or obese, therefore likely to have been much more susceptible to cancer than a non-diseased, healthy population. Some may even have been presymptomatic”, adds Dr Verkerk.
The ANH expert group also emphasized that the dosages and forms selected for the study did not equate with those that would be most likely to yield a positive result. Synthetic vitamin C ( synthetic form) was only 500mg, vitamin E (alpha- tocopherol only) was 600IU every other day, and synthetic beta carotene was 50 mg every other day, all very low doses, and compliance among study participants in actually taking the vitamins was poor, especially poor in taking all three vitamins. As few as half the participants appear to have done so. In addition, “Most people who are keen to prevent cancer don’t just take these three vitamins”, Dr Verkerk pointed out, “they take a whole range of vitamin, minerals and phytonutrients most of which have been independently verified to have powerful anti-cancer effects”.
Dr Steve Hickey, another member of ANH’s expert group, referred to the approach used by the Harvard team as “cookbook science”. He said: “Certain researchers have hit on a cookbook recipe for performing studies, purporting to show that antioxidant vitamins ( generally at low doses) are ineffective. In the most recent case, Jennifer Lin and colleagues use this approach to make the unfounded claim that antioxidant vitamins do not prevent cancer”.
Gretchen DuBeau, Executive Director of the ANH’s US affiliate, added: “It’s unfortunate that the media has compounded this misinformation by incorrectly reporting the erroneous results as applicable to the general population.”
Journal of the National Cancer Institute Study
Full scientific reference: Jennifer Lin, Nancy R. Cook, Christine Albert, Elaine Zaharris, J. Michael Gaziano, Martin Van Denburgh, Julie E. Buring, and JoAnn E. Manson. Vitamins C and E and Beta Carotene Supplementation and Cancer Risk: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Natl Cancer Inst 2009; 101: 14-23.
Abstract available at:
Alliance for Natural Health rebuttal
ANH website feature on rebuttal:
“Cookbook science” critique by Drs Steve Hickey and Robert Verkerk:
ANH’s full rebuttal:
About the Alliance for Natural Health (ANH)
The Alliance for Natural Health (ANH) is an international, non-governmental organisation, based in the UK. It was founded in 2002, and works on behalf of consumers, medical doctors, complementary health practitioners and health-product suppliers worldwide, to protect and promote natural healthcare, using the principles of good science and good law.
The ANH’s overriding goal is to help develop appropriate legal and scientific frameworks for the development of sustainable approaches to healthcare. As in the fields of energy and agriculture, sustainable healthcare invariably requires use of natural products which are inherently compatible with human biochemistry and physiology. Within this setting, consumers and health professionals should be able to make informed choices about a wide range of health options, and in particular those that relate to diet, lifestyle, traditional medicinal and non-drug-based or natural therapies, so that they may experience their benefits to the full while avoiding unnecessary risks.
About the American Association for Health Freedom (AAHF)
The American Association for Health Freedom (AAHF) is a 501(c)4 nonprofit organization that protects Americans’ rights to access integrative medicine and dietary supplements. AAHF protects the right of the consumer to choose and the practitioner to practice by lobbying Congress and state legislatures and crafting legislation; acting as a government watchdog and filing comments on proposed rulings; educating the public, press, and decision-makers on integrative medicine; initiating legal actions and joining and forming significant coalitions.

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