Our Approach

Our Approach

Education and Advocacy are the vehicles ANH-USA employs to advance integrative medicine and safeguard consumer choice over treatment modalities. Since 1992, ANH-USA has been a forerunner in the natural health community.

A healthy balance of the following have been instrumental in successfully advancing ANH-USA’s mission:

  • A strong grassroots member base that is ready to act on a minute’s notice. ANH-USA is fortunate to have a dynamic, fast growing member base that collectively presents a unified front and demands their collective voice be heard. Thank you members!
  • Effective lobbying. ANH-USA monitors legislation and regulatory activity on the state, federal and international levels daily. Staying apprised of the domestic and global pulse on integrative medicine assists greatly in developing policy to advance integrative medicine.
  • Litigation. The court system has a role in protecting integrative medicine and a consumers’ right to choose. Legal action can stop illegal regulations from being enforced and when required can provide an expensive venue for licensed practitioners to protect their license.
  • Strategic coalitions. Collaboration is the most effective means to further a cause. ANH-USA has been highly effective in building long-term relationships with outside groups, members on the Hill, medical societies, and consumers from all walks of life.
  • Timely education campaigns. The timely launch of public educational campaigns is key to increasing support and recognition of discreet issues while furthering our overall cause.
  • Working closely with the media. Media can be a friend or a foe and whichever it may be, media is imperative to quickly disseminate a message. ANH-USA works collaboratively with the media to increase coverage of important natural health-related issues.

Please view our ANH-USA Accomplishments.