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ANH Readies for Unprecedented Defense of Health Freedom

ANH Readies for Unprecedented Defense of Health Freedom
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ANH’s Founder and new General Counsel discuss the many threats to our health freedom – and how we plan to defend our right to stay healthy, naturally.

ANH has never been in a stronger position, headed up by ANH founder and lead scientist, Rob Verkerk, PhD, integrative medicine pioneer Dr. Ron Hoffman as President and Medical Director, and constitutional lawyer, Jonathan Emord, Esq., as ANH’s General Counsel.

You can now watch an exclusive one hour discussion between ANH’s two board members heading up science and law, respectively, befitting ANH’s long-standing slogan of delivering ‘good science and good law.’ For those who are more time-challenged, we’ve broken down the interview into segments, allowing you to dip into the subjects that most interest you. 

During their discussion, Rob and Jonathan broach a host of issues that are in the cross-hairs of the exciting strategy we have been developing and will be rolling out in the coming weeks, months and years.

Near the top of the list is how we deal with the rise of authoritarianism and the assault on liberty and science, while maximizing the opportunities provided by the Supreme Court’s recent overturning of the Chevron doctrine. All of this is critical to paving the work ahead of us to ensure we can continue to live as free people while making informed choices that help us stay healthy, naturally.

Jonathan and Rob’s discussion helps to lay out the state of play in the post-COVID era. As we’ve discussed previously in this newsletter, we’ve seen the maturation of a new form of authoritarianism characterized by the ideology of “Safety First.” Infringements on our freedoms, including our free speech, are perversely justified to keep us “safe.”



Browse clips from the discussion below, by topic, duration and speaker (JE = Jonathan Emord, RV = Rob Verkerk)

How we are kept in a constant state of fear (00:52, JE)

Growing distrust of government (1:57, JE)

The destruction of science (2:01, RV)

The need to control our own existence (3:13, JE)

Throwing monkey wrenches into the broken system  (00:56, RV)

Drugs versus natural health  (2:12, RV)

Public education campaign  (2:03, JE)

Freedom: the inexorable trajectory for humankind  (00:57, JE)

Nature isn’t authoritarian  (1:12, RV)


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