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ANH–USA Files Petition to Ban BPA in Cash Register Receipts

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receiptToday, the Alliance for Natural Health USA is filing a Citizen Petition with the Consumer Products Safety Commission to have bisphenol-A (BPA) banned from cash register receipts, the little-known but most common pathway into your body. Please help make the CPSC pay attention to the latest science.

As we have reported numerous times, there are serious health risks from exposure to the endocrine-disrupting chemical BPA. As a result, there have been nationwide efforts to ban it from food and beverage containers, especially those used by babies and children. Animal tests show that BPA, a plastics hardener that is also a synthetic estrogen, can cause reproductive and behavioral abnormalities and lower intellectual ability, and sets the stage for cancers, obesity, diabetes, asthma, and heart disease.
ANH-USA filed a Citizen Petition with the US Food and Drug Administration last year, asking the FDA to study and warn the public of the effects of BPA in children’s dental treatments and devices, an area that has received almost no attention. Children’s teeth are commonly coated with BPA, which is absurd. The FDA acknowledged receipt of our petition, but has otherwise responded with silence.
This spring, researchers at the Environmental Working Group collected samples of “carbonless” and thermal cash register receipts from fast food restaurants, big retailers, grocery stores, gas stations and post offices in seven states and the District of Columbia and had them tested by a renowned lab. The lab found that 40 percent had high levels of BPA. And just last week, a new study by John C. Warner, acclaimed as the co-founder of “green chemistry,” found measurable levels of BPA in receipts from eight out of ten suburban Boston-area grocery stores.
We now need your help with a two-pronged Action Alert. Please contact the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) in support of our petition, and ask them to make a rule that bans BPA in register receipts. Then please contact the FDA and ask them to address the petition we submitted to them eighteen months ago. As always, we’ve drafted sample letters to help you. Please TAKE ACTION now!

Click THIS LINK to go to the CPSC Action Alert page. Once there, fill out the form with your name and address, etc., and customize your letter. We have a suggested message for you, but please feel free to add your own comments to the letter. After taking action on this alert, you will automatically be redirected to our FDA Action Alert.
Click THIS LINK to go to the FDA Action Alert page. Once there, fill out the form with your name and address, etc., and customize your letter. We have a suggested message for you, but please feel free to add your own comments to the letter.

We’d also love to hear your comments about this article—just add your thoughts below—but remember that the messages below are only seen by our ANH-USA readers and not Congress, the FDA, etc.

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