Is ‘Organic’ Dry Cleaning a Scam?

Is ‘Organic’ Dry Cleaning a Scam?

Many dry cleaning stores advertise they are organic, but it doesn’t mean they are better for your health or the environment. We know that “organic” food is supposed to be free from pesticides and other harmful chemicals, but does the same apply to dry cleaners claiming to be organic? Unfortunately, the answer is no. Many […]

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Unregulated Chemicals Kill Millions Every Year

Unregulated Chemicals Kill Millions Every Year

…and the EPA does nothing. Faced with such needless death, why is this agency doing nothing to protect us? Action Alert! An analysis by the World Health Institute found that, in 2019, chemical exposures resulted in the death of 2 million people globally and the loss of 53 million disability adjusted life-years. This is likely […]

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Car Sick: The Toxic Soup Inside Your Car

Car Sick: The Toxic Soup Inside Your Car

A cocktail of chemicals in your car could be making you sick. Learn how to protect yourself. Americans spend an average of six percent of their time inside cars, creating a significant route of exposure to a host of harmful chemicals. Analysis reveals the presence of hundreds of toxic chemicals inside cars, including plasticizers, flame […]

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Study Shows Hemp Extract May Fight COVID

Study Shows Hemp Extract May Fight COVID

Another reason consumers need affordable access to CBD and other hemp products, not more FDA-sanctioned Pharma monopolies. Action Alert! A new study suggests that certain compounds found in hemp can block the entry of the SARS-CoV-2 virus into human cells. This is in addition to many other clinical benefits like helping with pain and fighting […]

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Voices of Freedom: James S. Turner, Esq

Voices of Freedom: James S. Turner, Esq

This week our community suffered a great loss. Jim Turner, a giant of consumer advocacy and protection, passed away. Since the 1960s, he worked tirelessly to protect consumers and promote positive change. He was an inspiration and a friend to all of us at ANH, and will be greatly missed! In this interview, as part of […]

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Eating Plastic Waste, to Reduce Plastic Waste?

Eating Plastic Waste, to Reduce Plastic Waste?

That’s the federal government’s reasoning in a new initiative it is funding. This is a bad idea. Microplastics are polluting our environment and wrecking our health. To combat this pollution, the government is funding research…to turn microplastics into food. Yes, you read that correctly. The Defense Department is funding a project to turn plastic into […]

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Toxic Drug Pushed for Early COVID Treatment?

Toxic Drug Pushed for Early COVID Treatment?

A highly prestigious medical journal has published an article suggesting wider use of remdesivir, a highly toxic, ineffective, expensive drug for COVID-19. Action Alert! The study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, and shows results suggesting that remdesivir, the drug heralded by Dr. Anthony Fauci as the “new standard of care” for […]

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Study: Antioxidants Provide COVID Key

Study: Antioxidants Provide COVID Key

A new understanding of COVID is emerging, suggesting the disease attacks the immune system rather than the lungs—yet the government is threatening supplements like NAC that could help. Action Alert! COVID is widely considered to be a respiratory disease (it is formally known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, or SARS-CoV-2). But a new […]

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