Bayer/Monsanto Using Courts to Limit Transparency

Bayer/Monsanto Using Courts to Limit Transparency

We all know glyphosate causes cancer: how is Bayer/Monsanto avoiding saying so on their label? Action Alert! Bayer/Monsanto has agreed to pay $10 billion to resolve thousands of lawsuits alleging that glyphosate, the active ingredient in the popular herbicide Roundup, causes cancer. At the same time, Bayer has used the courts to prevent California from […]

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FDA: Bioidenticals are “Public Health Concern;” Ban Likely

FDA: Bioidenticals are “Public Health Concern;” Ban Likely

The agency has latched onto this false conclusion from a report it commissioned, and it is another direct threat to estriol and compounded bioidentical hormones’ future. Action Alert! The FDA’s announcement regarding bioidentical hormones came just hours after the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) released their report reviewing the “clinical utility” of […]

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Are Probiotics Useless?

Are Probiotics Useless?

The mainstream media bungles another story, this time telling us that probiotics are not only useless, but that they can hurt us. Action Alert! Another day, another story attacking the idea that supplements can help us stay healthy. This time the target is probiotics, with 60 Minutes running the hit piece. The story misrepresents the […]

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FDA: A Case Study in Cronyism

FDA: A Case Study in Cronyism

Crony ties between the drug industry and FDA put Americans at risk. Action Alert! Pharmaceutical executives getting high-ranking jobs in the FDA; former FDA employees going to work for Big Pharma. This revolving door between regulator and industry is the very definition of the “fox guarding the henhouse.” This cronyism is putting Americans lives at […]

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Think You Are Safe From 5G? Think Again!

Think You Are Safe From 5G? Think Again!

The feds want to extend 5G expansion into small, rural communities. Action Alert! The federal government is working on multiple fronts to make it easier for 5G towers to be installed in rural communities. We must push back against these and other efforts to expand 5G deployment. First, there is a bill in Congress, the […]

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