Fluoride on Trial

Fluoride on Trial

Will the EPA be compelled by a federal court to end the dangerous fluoridation of drinking water? THE TOPLINE Groups suing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the fluoridation of American drinking water are now awaiting a decision from a federal court after the trial ended last week. The basis of the suit was the […]

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More Vaccines Recommended for Children

More Vaccines Recommended for Children

…and pregnant women, despite lingering gaps in knowledge about vaccine safety and who is susceptible to vaccine harms. Action Alert! THE TOPLINE For vaccines administered to millions of babies and young children—treatments that are recommended by government health agencies—you’d think the evidence backing up their safety would be air-tight, especially given we can’t sue vaccine […]

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Hoffman & Verkerk Dialogue on How to Safeguard and Protect Natural Health

Hoffman & Verkerk Dialogue on How to Safeguard and Protect Natural Health

New York-based Dr Ron Hoffman MD CNS is recognized as one of America’s foremost complementary and integrative medicine practitioners. He was founder and Medical Director of the Hoffman Center in New York City, and now maintains a private practice in New York. He is also President both ANH-USA and the Board for Certification of Nutrition Specialists (BCNS). He’s authored […]

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CBD Under Siege

CBD Under Siege

Years after the feds legalized hemp, the ax is still dangling over CBD supplements despite ongoing, exciting research into all of CBD’s health benefits. We need to protect access NOW! Action Alert! THE TOPLINE We are only beginning to understand the array of benefits CBD and other cannabinoids can have on human health, but the […]

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Health Freedom Threatened by WHO Power Grab

Health Freedom Threatened by WHO Power Grab

Is America—this great bastion of freedom—really trying to cede its powers in the event of another global health emergency to the World Health Organization (WHO)? And sign away this power without ratification by the US Senate? The simple answer to both questions is ‘yes.’ Action Alert! THE TOPLINE Medical autonomy on the chopping block During […]

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Keep Moving to Keep Moving

Keep Moving to Keep Moving

From Ronald Hoffman, MD, ANH-USA Board President and Medical Director February is upon us—which means, according to surveys, that 43% of you have forgotten your resolution to improve your fitness in ‘24. Here’s some ammo to fortify your intentions. Regenerative effects of exercise: My last car was a 2012. I drove it 80,000+ miles, determined to suck […]

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You Won’t Believe What the Feds Said About Cell Phone Radiation

You Won’t Believe What the Feds Said About Cell Phone Radiation

An updated “fact” sheet from the National Toxicology Program (NTP) contains more fiction than fact…and bids to turn a blind eye to growing national and international concern over Wifi and cell phone cancer risks. Action Alert! THE TOPLINE We’ve written previously about how the increasing tendency towards censorship, which got turbocharged during the COVID pandemic, is […]

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New Disease Trends Highlight Medicine’s Biggest Failures

New Disease Trends Highlight Medicine’s Biggest Failures

From Ron Hoffman, MD, ANH-USA Board President and Medical Director It seems that nearly every day, we learn of yet another medical “breakthrough”; hi-tech and often pricey cures are commonplace. More of us take medications and undergo life-saving procedures. Yet a series of recent articles in the Wall Street Journal (sorry—paywalled for some) highlight how critical aspects […]

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FDA Closes in on Your Supplements

FDA Closes in on Your Supplements

The agency recently made a big announcement about a regulation that could eliminate 41,700 products from the market. We need to keep up the pressure to protect access. Action Alert! THE TOPLINE A few weeks ago, we reported that 2024 could be the year the FDA finally publishes the final version of its natural product-destroying […]

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