New Study Inaccurately Attacks Common Sweetener

New Study Inaccurately Attacks Common Sweetener

Why you shouldn’t believe the alarmist headlines about erythritol, a naturally-occurring zero-calorie sweetener. “Sugar substitute erythritol, common in keto foods, may increase your risk for stroke.” “Artificial sweetener in diet drinks and protein bars may increase risk of heart attack.” “Zero-calorie sweetener linked to heart attack and stroke, study finds.”The study in question was published […]

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Don’t Trust Their Plan to Rebuild Our Trust in Science

Don’t Trust Their Plan to Rebuild Our Trust in Science

From ANH-International Professor Avi Loeb, world renowned physicist, best-selling author, regular contributor to Scientific American, and Frank B. Baird Jr Professor of Science at Harvard University, didn’t write these words lightly. He knows a thing or two about how scientific breakthroughs occur, and just how challenging it can be to move the needle of the scientific […]

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FDA, Drug Companies Need to Stop Breaking the Law

FDA, Drug Companies Need to Stop Breaking the Law

A government report shows how dozens of drugs that received a special “accelerated” approval have no proof of actual clinical benefit to patients, in addition to serious safety issues. Action Alert!  Taxpayers are spending billions on drugs that have little or no data to support their efficacy. This is the bombshell finding of a report from the Office […]

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PFAS is Poison: DuPont Knew All Along

PFAS is Poison: DuPont Knew All Along

There’s only one practical solution to protect public health: ban PFAS. Action Alert! When DuPont agreed in 2017 to pay a $670 million settlement for releasing forever chemicals into water and soil near its plant along the West Virginia-Ohio border, the company knew for decades it was endangering public health and safety. Yet when its […]

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Judge Halts Free Speech Ban for Doctors

Judge Halts Free Speech Ban for Doctors

A judge has put the brakes on a bad California law that would censor doctors. A California judge issued a preliminary injunction last week which prevents AB 2098 from being enforced for the time being. This law was approved last year and gives the state medical board the power to target doctors who disseminate “misinformation” […]

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FDA Rejects CBD as a Supplement

FDA Rejects CBD as a Supplement

Today the FDA officially denied requests to permit CBD in food or supplements. Action Alert! The FDA just released a statement explaining that the “existing regulatory framework” for foods and supplements are not appropriate for CBD and that a new regulatory pathway is needed. The agency also denied three Citizens Petitions requesting the agency issue a regulation that would allow […]

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The 14 Worst Health News Stories of 2022 (Part Two)

The 14 Worst Health News Stories of 2022 (Part Two)

From Ronald Hoffman, MD Last time, I gave you the first half of my list of the worst health news stories of the year. This week, I’m back with part two! So without further ado, here are seven more health news headscratchers from the past year: 8. Melatonin “scourge”: Expressions of concern abounded this year over Americans’ unprecedented […]

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USDA Moves to Stop Organic Food Fraud, Finally

USDA Moves to Stop Organic Food Fraud, Finally

The USDA has finally finished a long-awaited rule that will help clean up fraud in the organic food sector. This rule, put together by the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), is urgently needed given widespread fraud that has been reported in the organics industry. The level of deception has reached epidemic proportions: a USDA study found that 40% of all organic food […]

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Microplastics: A Growing Worry for Our Farms and Food

Microplastics: A Growing Worry for Our Farms and Food

Microplastics, already a problematic presence in water, seafood, and other things we consume, are showing up in other parts of the food chain, including fruits and vegetables. Let our leaders know it’s time to stand up to industrial interests and reduce our exposure to harmful synthetic pollutants.  We’ve known for years that microplastics have invaded […]

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