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Does the Virus Exist? A Critical Need for Resolution

Does the Virus Exist? A Critical Need for Resolution
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From ANH-International

How polarization of views on SARS-CoV-2 and ‘pathogenic viruses’ will divide and conquer the health freedom movement.

The airwaves of alt media are once again bristling with strings of activity over whether or not COVID-19 is a manipulated hoax that doesn’t even involve an infectious microbial agent in the form of SARS-CoV-2. 

This one’s not going away either – at least until there’s some reconciliation – such is the passion each side has for its arguments. What makes this latest polarization unique is that it is the first that could do real harm to the truth and health freedom movement. A movement that’s so far been more or less united in calling out manipulated science and defects in global policy on COVID-19, whether that’s unjustified lockdowns or masks, misleading PCR or mortality data, or creeping totalitarianism.

If you haven’t yet had a dive into the rabbit hole of this latest division of views, expect it to be more of a warren than a hole. It pertains not just to the field of virology, but draws on a host of interfacing disciplines, from experimental science, to molecular biology, genomics, computational biology, bioinformatics, evolutionary biology, ecology and even anthropology.

What is meant by ‘does the virus exist’?

When people challenge the notion as to whether a virus is involved with COVID-19, their views may still differ in some fundamental respects. Some are entirely comfortable with the notion that viruses are non-living entities consisting of a central core of either DNA or RNA, nearly always surrounded by a protein coat. Seen in this way, viruses don’t do a bunch of things living organisms do. They don’t produce waste products, they don’t grow or develop, they lack any kind of energy metabolism, they don’t tend to respond to stimuli and they can’t reproduce (replicate) independently. They must rely on a host so must invade the cells of living things and hijack the host cells’ replication machinery to make new copies of themselves. They can move genetic material between organisms and it is widely upheld that some 8% of the human genome is derived from ancestral retroviruses that has over eons been incorporated into our DNA, our genetic blueprint or ‘book of life’. This general view, as it happens, is shared by the vast majority within the scientific community.

It’s worth recognising that viruses are in some ways more digital than living. In fact, they’re not living at all. Everything they do relies on a digital code made up of the four ‘letters’ or bases of DNA or RNA, comprised of sequences of four nitrogenous base pairs, namely adenine (A), cytosine (C), thymine (T) for DNA or uracil (U) in place of T for RNA, and guanine (G). 

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