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New Health Revolution Petition Calls for Radical, Systemic Changes to US Healthcare System

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A new petition, endorsed by AAHF as well the Organic Consumers Association (, the Life Extension Foundation (, Citizens for Health (, and the Consumer Wellness Center (, and created by Mike Adams and Natural News ( will be delivered to every member of the House and Senate as well as the office of President Barack Obama.

Among other provisions, the petition calls for:
• federal government support (in the form of tax deductions, vouchers, and health insurance changes) of people who take personal responsibility for their own health;
• much greater health freedom of choice;
• FDA reform;
• protection of the food supply;
• the restoration of “honest science” to medicine;
• an end to the dominance of “Big Pharma” over healthcare; and
• investment in disease prevention rather than the “fix-it” approach usually taken by medicine.
The Health Revolution Petition launches today. The goal is to receive 100,000 signatures. We strongly encourage you to visit the petition’s website today, read the entire petition, and add your name to the list of signatures! The time is right for a health revolution like this one.

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