Why Is FDA Protecting the BPA Lobby?

As we have reported in previous issues of Pulse of Health Freedom, bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical in the packaging or contents of many products, may cause long-term health effects, including cancers of the breast, brain and testicles; lowered sperm counts, early puberty and other reproductive system defects; diabetes; attention deficit disorder, asthma, and autism. […]

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First It’s Not Safe, and Then It Is! The FDA Position on Melamine May Give Us All a Case of Whiplash

Melamine was first synthesized by a German chemist in 1834, and melamine resin is used in Formica for countertops and dry erase boards as well as flame retardants. A 1958 patent described the use of melamine as a non-protein nitrogen (NPN) for cattle. Melamine is sometimes illegally added to food products in order to increase the apparent protein content. Standard tests that estimate protein levels by measuring the nitrogen content can be misled by adding nitrogen-rich compounds such as melamine.

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Press Release: FDA’s Latest Threat to Dietary Supplements Defies the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act

FDA’s Latest Threat to Dietary Supplements Defies the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act For Immediate Release: U.S. Contact: Gretchen DuBeau, ph 800-230-2762 International Contact: Dr Robert Verkerk, ph +44-1306-646-600 November 25, 2008 FDA’S LATEST THREAT TO DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS DEFIES THE DIETARY SUPPLEMENT HEALTH AND EDUCATION ACT ACCORDING TO TWO LEADING HEALTH FREEDOM GROUPS Today, […]

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Integrative Vision Award Bestowed upon AAHF President

The American College for Advancement in Medicine meeting was held in Las Vegas, October 15–19, 2008. Jonathan Wright, M.D., a distinguished clinician, educator, and ACAM member, introduced Hunter Lewis, president of American Association for Health Freedom. Then Jeanne Drisko, M.D., ACAM president and University of Kansas Medical School professor, presented Lewis the Integrative Vision Award […]

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URGENT ACTION NEEDED IN NEW JERSEY: October Vote Threatens Freedom of Choice in Healthcare

Freedom of healthcare choice in New Jersey is facing a serious threat with the NJ Assembly Bill A2933 / Senate Bill S1941 vote scheduled for early in October. This bill and its identical counterpart in the NJ Senate would prevent any practitioner other than a dietician to teach, consult, or advise about health, nutrition, supplements, […]

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