PFAS Contamination is Worse Than You Thought

PFAS Contamination is Worse Than You Thought

“Forever chemicals” are added to many consumer products intentionally…but we’re learning that many more products are contaminated with PFAS unintentionally, making the threat to human health even more severe. Action Alert! For months now, we’ve been reporting on the dangers of PFAS chemicals, nicknamed “forever chemicals” for their persistence in the environment and the human […]

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Prescription Drugs Laced with PFAS

Prescription Drugs Laced with PFAS

A study found that common drugs contain PFAS “forever chemicals”, and the EPA is working hard…to protect these drug makers. Action Alert! More than 131 million Americans—66 percent of adults—take a prescription drug. Most of these drugs come with substantial side effects, but you probably didn’t know that many of them also contain PFAS “forever” […]

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Why Aren’t They Telling Us What’s Making Us Sick?

Why Aren’t They Telling Us What’s Making Us Sick?

Microplastics, synthetic chemicals like “forever” chemicals, and digital electromagnetic fields (EMF) saturate the world, but lawmakers seem content to let us be the guinea pigs as scientists sound the alarm about the dangers of these exposures. Action Alerts! A recent opinion piece in the New York Times, “Our Way of Life is Poisoning Us,” correctly […]

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‘Forever Chemicals’ in Pesticides Raise Red Flags About Origins, Impact

‘Forever Chemicals’ in Pesticides Raise Red Flags About Origins, Impact

‘Forever chemicals,’ already a hazardous presence in our kitchens, floor coverings and makeup tables, are now also turning up in some pesticides sprayed on our crops and into the air. Action Alert! Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, lab-made chemicals known collectively as PFAS, have been used in some varieties of nonstick pans, plastic packaging, cosmetics, stain-resistant […]

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Toxic Toilet Tissue

Toxic Toilet Tissue

We can add toilet paper to the long list of products that are contaminated with PFAS; this pervasive contamination has led experts to recommend many Americans get tested for PFAS. It’s time to ban these dangerous chemicals. Action Alert! We recently told you how PFAS contamination is worse than we previously thought because it has […]

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Sewage Contaminating Your Food

Sewage Contaminating Your Food

Your food and drinking water could be contaminated with PFAS “forever chemicals”, at levels that are hundreds of times higher than what is considered safe, but the EPA is too busy looking out for industry to care. Action Alert! PFAS contamination threatens the integrity of our food supply and is upending the lives of farmers. […]

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Do You Know What’s in Your Makeup?

Do You Know What’s in Your Makeup?

New research shows that many cosmetics contain dangerous chemicals with known human health risks. Action Alert! Cosmetics is a $20 billion industry, but companies aren’t transparent about the fact that a high percentage of these products are made with PFAS, or “forever” chemicals that cause a host of human health and environmental problems. But you […]

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