Poisoned Produce

Poisoned Produce

How government agencies meant to protect the public are utterly failing to keep our food safe and contaminant-free. Action Alert! Listen to the audio version of this article: THE TOPLINE In our busy lives, it’s hard to always eat fresh, healthy foods. When we take the time to cook meals with lots of fruits and […]

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EPA Refuses to Make Pesticides Safer

EPA Refuses to Make Pesticides Safer

The EPA has denied a Citizen’s Petition asking the agency to regulate “inert” pesticide ingredients that can be just as toxic to humans and the environment as the active ingredient. Action Alert! The Petition, submitted by the Center for Food Safety, called on the EPA to do more to assess the risks of pesticides to […]

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Get Toxics Out of Food Packaging

Get Toxics Out of Food Packaging

A bill in Congress would ban perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and other dangerous chemicals from food packaging that presents a major route of exposure for millions of Americans. It needs our support. Action Alert! The No Toxics in Food Packaging Act of 2023 would ban the use of five chemicals or classes of chemicals […]

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Feds Clueless on Frankensoil

Feds Clueless on Frankensoil

The laws and policies governing the use of genetically engineered (GE) soil microbes are confusing, outdated, and desperately inadequate given the potential risks to humans and the environment. We need to demand better of our lawmakers. Action Alert! A few weeks ago, we reported on the next big thing in the agrichemical industry: the use […]

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Why Aren’t They Telling Us What’s Making Us Sick?

Why Aren’t They Telling Us What’s Making Us Sick?

Microplastics, synthetic chemicals like “forever” chemicals, and digital electromagnetic fields (EMF) saturate the world, but lawmakers seem content to let us be the guinea pigs as scientists sound the alarm about the dangers of these exposures. Action Alerts! A recent opinion piece in the New York Times, “Our Way of Life is Poisoning Us,” correctly […]

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Regulatory Limbo: the Case of NAC

Regulatory Limbo: the Case of NAC

The more effective a natural product, the greater the risk if it sits in an uncertain, regulatory ‘no man’s land.’ From ANH-International In a world in which humans are pumping ever greater amounts of new-to-nature chemicals into the environment, we’re asking a lot from our detoxification systems. Your kidneys, and your liver in particular, do […]

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Gratitude and Hope: A New Chapter for ANH-USA

Gratitude and Hope: A New Chapter for ANH-USA

ANH’s founder, Robert Verkerk, PhD, takes the helm of ANH-USA as threats to natural health multiply across the world. This week, we’re proud to announce that multi-disciplinary scientist Dr. Verkerk has been appointed Executive Director of ANH-USA. Dr. Verkerk, who founded ANH International in 2002 in the United Kingdom, and has acted as its executive […]

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