ANH Sues FDA Over Health Claims Censorship

ANH Sues FDA Over Health Claims Censorship

ANH Sues FDA Over Health Claims Censorship ******** Action Alerts for This Campaign ******** Tell Congress to Restore Free Speech for Nutritional Supplement Companies! The Testimonial Free Speech Act, HR 2908, would allow the dissemination of testimonials “containing a consumer’s actual perception of the mitigative, preventive, or curative properties of any food or dietary supplement […]

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ANH-USA Sues FDA Court Finds For ANH-USA In Stunning Victory Over FDA June 1, 2010 This was a key federal case argued for ANH-USA and other plaintiffs by Jonathan Emord and the Emord law firm. It was a remarkable seventh victory for Emord over the FDA in the area of allowable health claims for food […]

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Congressman Waxman Slips Obscure Anti-Supplement Measure into Wall St. “Reform” Bill Passed by the House; Please Take Action to Prevent Same Thing Happening in the Senate!

This “sneak” legislative provision, going far beyond finance, provides a back door way to bypass the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), the legislation that governs dietary supplements. Please do not delay. We may have only a few days to stop this in the Senate.

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Resources on Senator McCain’s Anti Supplement Bill

Advocate Material ANH-USA has developed materials for all our advocates out there helping us spread the news.  Please download these flyers and distribute to all your friends! 81/2″ x 11″ flyer:  Help Us Finish the Job on Senator McCain’s Anti-supplement Bill! 11″ x 17″ poster: Help Us Finish the Job on Senator McCain’s Anti-supplement Bill! Further […]

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International Strategic Alliance Dinner; February 2, 2009

The International Strategic Alliance Inaugural Dinner You are invited to learn more about the International Strategic Alliance, formed by Jonathan Emord, the Alliance for Natural Health International, the Canadian Natural Health Collective and Herb Works, to promote integrative medicine and dietary supplements. Who Are We? The International Strategic Alliance is committed to working proactively on […]

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The International Strategic Alliance Inaugural Dinner

You are invited to learn more about the International Strategic Alliance, formed by Jonathan Emord, the Alliance for Natural Health International, the Canadian Natural Health Collective and Herb Works, to promote integrative medicine and dietary supplements. Who Are We? The International Strategic Alliance is committed to working proactively on an international scale to promote integrative […]

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