Support Access to Natural Health

The Alliance for Natural Health stands as a guardian of your right to choose natural, sustainable healthcare options. Our mission is to advocate for good science and good law that protects your access to safe, effective natural health solutions.

As an independent, non-partisan organization, we rely on the support of individuals like you to amplify our voice and protect your rights. Your donation today will empower us to continue our advocacy efforts, mobilize our supporters, and hold regulatory bodies accountable.

Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to the Alliance for Natural Health Foundation (EIN# 91-1598923) to support ANH-USA’s education and legal efforts. Together, we can ensure that everyone has access to safe, effective, and sustainable healthcare solutions.

For a limited time, Dr. Ronald Hoffman has generously agreed to match any contributions up to a total of $5,000. We are so grateful for his support!