Why cheaper and safer medicine is always ignored.
From The Daily Caller:
Republican Sen. John McCain left Washington, D.C., Sunday to be with his family in Arizona, and will miss the vote on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act expected this week, CBS News reports.
McCain, 81, spent most of the week at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., following a routine chemotherapy treatment for brain cancer, but is doing well and is in “good spirits,” McCain’s son-in-law, Ben Domenech, told CBS’ Face The Nation Sunday.
Comment: We’ve had our differences with Sen. McCain, most notably his introduction of legislation that would have given the FDA more power over the supplement industry, but we wish him well in his treatment. We also wish that the senator would consider integrative treatments for his glioblastoma. Even with surgery and chemotherapy, patients with this type of brain cancer are generally given about 15 months to live. This might be because mounting evidence shows that chemotherapy and radiation don’t produce any significant improvements in cancer survival rates, because cancer stem cells are resistant to these treatments. This means, tragically, that patients like Sen. McCain are put through the misery of chemo for little benefit. Meanwhile, many natural compounds like turmeric have demonstrated the ability to attack cancers at their root; the only problem is that turmeric is cheap and natural. We see this happen too often in modern medicine: cheap, natural medicine is neglected in favor of expensive treatments and patented drugs that make hospitals and pharmaceutical companies rich.
Senator McCain’s Cancer Treatment Reveals the Problem