Pulse of Natural Health, April 27th Further Update on our Story – Supplements Gain Exemption From Codex Language in Food Safety Bill

Pulse of Natural Health, April 27th
Further Update on our Story – Supplements Gain Exemption From Codex Language in Food Safety Bill

Sandra D says:
April 28, 2010 at 8:45 am

“Thanks for clearing this up, but my question is why are groups who are out for the same thing squabbling over this minutia, instead of working together.

The consumer doesn’t really care, nor will they even remember what group got this done. It was done by thousands of consumers writing to their reps. in Congress with your groups leading–what is all the fuss about?

If this bickering doesn’t stop, the consumer will simply throw their hands up and say, “I quit”. Please do what you can to end this division.”

ANH-USA says:
May 4, 2010 at 4:00 pm:

Great question! We couldn’t agree more. Supporters of health freedom and natural health need to get together and work together, not squabble.

That is one reason we merged with ANH-Europe to form ANH-International. We hope to merge with additional organizations in the future. It doesn’t matter under whose name we work so long as we work together and maintain the highest standards of integrity.

In this case, we did have to respond to a critic. Why? Because this individual was falsely accusing us of misrepresentating the facts. Honesty is all important to us. We wanted you to know that our story was 100% accurate and why.

We are proud of our work in excluding supplements from the Codex language in the Senate Food Safety Bill. But we are even prouder of always sticking to the facts and telling you the truth and thereby earning your support. Sticking to the facts, telling the truth, and staying united are the chief weapons that will enable us to overcome the powerful special interests arrayed against natural health in Washington and state capitals.

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