EU Prepares For High Dose Vitamin B6 Ban

EU Prepares For High Dose Vitamin B6 Ban

From ANH International European and UK authorities have shown their intent to ban high dose vitamin B6 since the 1990s, despite decades of evidence that it has multiple benefits, including through its role in increasing energy levels, reducing homocysteine, so lowering the risk of heart disease and Alzheimer’s, relieving premenstrual symptoms, improving mood, reducing depression, and reducing lung cancer risk. The battle between the […]

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On the Frontlines of Pesticide Exposure

On the Frontlines of Pesticide Exposure

Despite decades of research linking pesticide drift to health harm, regulation remains weak and leaves the most vulnerable with few protections. From Environmental Health News By Claudia Meléndez Salinas Yanely Martínez was at work in 2017 when she received a phone call from her son’s school in Greenfield, an agricultural city in California’s Salinas Valley. […]

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Regenerative Food and Farming: The Way Forward

Regenerative Food and Farming: The Way Forward

Understanding the degenerative forces that are holding back a truly regenerative approach to health and agriculture. From Organic Consumers Association My usual response to the question “What is Regenerative Food and Farming?” goes something like this: Regenerative agriculture and animal husbandry is the next and higher stage of organic food and farming, not only free […]

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FDA Standing in the Way of Longer Life

FDA Standing in the Way of Longer Life

Once again, the feds are about to hand a ground-breaking, life-extending supplement to Big Pharma so it can be turned into an expensive monopoly drug. Action Alert! For a few months now, we’ve been telling you about the threat to nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) supplements, which are on the cutting edge of lifespan research. NMN supplements […]

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Sitting vs. Standing: Which is Best?

Sitting vs. Standing: Which is Best?

It’s no secret that sitting all day is a problem. Most of us do it too much, often spending more hours sitting than sleeping, a sedentary lifestyle responsible for one out of every 14 deaths. The biggest chunk of sedentary time, the eight or more hours spent at work, is also a big area for […]

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Biotech Babies

Biotech Babies

From Moms Across America By Michelle Pero, MD Infertility, surrogacy, changing family structures, low milk production, inhospitable and toxic environments, stress, and a myriad of other factors are impacting breastfeeding babies. From the perspective of the baby biota, moms are the microbial stewardesses, passing on the collection of microorganisms that will direct much of the […]

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