CBD for Pain Reveals FDA Agenda and It’s Impact on Healthcare!

CBD for Pain Reveals FDA Agenda and It’s Impact on Healthcare!

Research and clinical evidence confirms that CBD oil relieves pain [1]. This should be good news! 116m Americans suffer chronic pain [2]. Action Alert! Other approved pain relievers may cause internal bleeding, (e.g. aspirin)[3], cause heart disease (e.g. the now banned Vioxx)[4], kill people (fentanyl, up to 100X more potent than morphine)[5], or lead to both […]

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Coconut Oil Bad for You?

Coconut Oil Bad for You?

No. Just the opposite. Given the evidence favoring coconut oil, why is a new report from the American Heart Association (AHA) promoting this falsehood? And why is the media spreading it with headlines like “Coconut Oil Isn’t the Miracle Food You Thought It Was” and “Coconut Oil Isn’t Healthy. It’s Never Been Healthy.” None of […]

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Drug Deception

Drug Deception

Bill Sardi has an excellent piece in lewrockwell.com that needs to be read by every consumer and lawmaker. The article explains how drug inserts deceive and thereby deny every American the right to know the truth about what they are putting in their body. Action Alert! While drug companies are required to warn of certain side […]

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Lawsuit Revelation

Lawsuit Revelation

Government relying on Monsanto’s word that Roundup herbicide is safe? We’ve been following a lawsuit filed by a group of citizens against Monsanto claiming that glyphosate, the active ingredient in the Roundup herbicide, causes non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. That ongoing case took an interesting turn when recently revealed court documents show the plaintiffs are alleging that Monsanto […]

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CBD for Pain Reveals Why Healthcare is Such a Mess!

CBD for Pain Reveals Why Healthcare is Such a Mess!

Research and clinical evidence confirms that CBD oil relieves pain [1]. This should be good news! 116m Americans suffer chronic pain [2]. Action Alert! Other approved pain relievers may cause internal bleeding, (e.g. aspirin)[3], cause heart disease (e.g. the now banned Vioxx)[4], kill people (fentanyl, up to 100X more potent than morphine)[5], or lead to both […]

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Tell Congress: Save Natural Medicine

Tell Congress: Save Natural Medicine

The FDA has been distorting law and trampling on our right to access needed medicine. Now, it’s time for us to fight back! Major Action Alert! Congressmen Morgan Griffith (R-VA) and Henry Cuellar (R-TX) recently introduced HR 2871, the Preserving Patient Access to Compounded Medications Act of 2017. This is an important first step toward […]

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1.2 Million Children Poisoned

1.2 Million Children Poisoned

Government lies and lack of profit incentive are both leading to lack of treatment. Action Alert! A new report published in Pediatrics estimates that the overall number of children with elevated lead levels in the US for the period 1999 to 2010 was 1.2 million—double what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention previously reported. Even […]

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Even Scarier Than Lyme

Even Scarier Than Lyme

Another tick borne disease is showing up in increased numbers in certain parts of the US, and people aren’t even being warned. We are seeing a rise in a tick-borne disease called Powassan, POW for short. Half of those who come in to contact with the virus suffer permanent neurological damage; some patients experience no […]

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Killing Medicine, Killing Us

Killing Medicine, Killing Us

Ballooning medical bureaucracy does both. Since the 1970s, the number of physicians entering the workforce has remained relatively constant. The number of administrators (who are handsomely paid) has risen almost 3,000%. This is not helping patients. Doctors and their private practices are increasingly being eaten up by hospitals. In fact, the number of physicians employed […]

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