Tribute to a Legend of the Organic, Natural Health, and Freedom Movements

By Rob Verkerk PhDFounder, Alliance for Natural HealthExecutive & scientific director, ANH Intl and USA WarriorVisionaryLeaderAmigoWorld changerElderBrotherCollaboratorDutch farmerHippieRadicalIdealistOracle…. These are just a few of the words that seep through my consciousness when I think of Ronnie – Ronnie Cummins – who passed on Wednesday, close to his beloved Via Organica ranch near San Miguel de Allende. Ronnie […]

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Doctors Are Promoting Vaccines For Money

Doctors Are Promoting Vaccines For Money

Ever wonder why many doctors are so adamant about their patients getting the COVID vaccine? They have likely been offered financial incentives, demonstrating the erosion of ethical principles in medical care. A recent op-ed from John Leak and Peter McCullough, MD, raises a disturbing issue: doctors around the country were offered financial incentives for vaccinating […]

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