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ANH & LEF: Teaming Up to Protect Supplement Access

ANH & LEF: Teaming Up to Protect Supplement Access
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Screen shot 2014-04-07 at 4.17.21 PMOn and off Capitol Hill, ANH-USA defends consumer access to dietary supplements, truly healthful foods, and natural health treatments and practitioners. We proactively stop attempts to limit your access to natural health, before you feel their affects.

Right now, we’re working to:
Stop FDA’s proposed ban on folate, a necessary-to-life B-9 vitamin, in dietary supplements.
Defeat Senator Dick Durbin’s Dietary Supplement Labeling Act of 2013, which would remove countless supplements from the market or make them prohibitively expensive.
Promote the incredible benefits of natural health, while protecting natural health practitioners.
Oppose the FDA’s New Dietary Ingredients (NDI) draft guidance, which threatens to remove 29,000 dietary supplements from the market.
Since we rely on consumer funding, we can only continue our vital work with your support. Happily, an incredibly generous donor has offered to match all tax-deductible donations to ANH-USA from Life Extension readers, up to $100,000. This means if Life Extension readers collectively donate $50,000 to ANH-USA, this donor will donate another $50,000–up to $100,000!

Please, click here to donate! Gifts of any size are deeply appreciated, and your qualifying donation will earn you an electronic pedometer, drawstring backpack, BPA-free travel mug, folding chair, or yoga mat!
Take Action!
Click here to contact your senators to ask them to oppose Senator Durbin’s Dietary Supplement Labeling Act!
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