
ANH-USA Campaigns
ANH-USA is determined to advance integrative medicine and every campaign ANH-USA launches will further that goal. Our active campaigns address matters on the state, federal, and international level. We firmly believe that a multifaceted approach is the only means to efficiently and effectively protect the integrative community while making positive change within the existing medical model. Please click below for details on each campaign.

justiceFood and Supplements Are Not Drugs

  • FDA Overreach Threatens New Dietary Ingredients and Supplements
  • Misguided Durbin Bill Targets Supplements
  • EU Threat to Natural Medicine
  • Global CODEX Threat
  • Trilateral Cooperation Charter
  • Congressman Waxman’s FTC Power Grab
  • Senator McCain’s Anti-Supplement Bill
  • Drug Company Attempts to Patent Supplements and Turn Them Into Drugs
  • A Woman’s Right To Choose Bio-Identical Estriol
  • Why Do The Major Media Get It So Wrong?
  • It Shouldn’t Cost 1 Billion to Approve a Supplement

PractitionersStop Censoring Medical Science

  • ANH Sues FDA Over Health Claims Censorship
  • Free Speech About Science Act
  • Drug Company Petition To Gag Weight Loss Supplement Producers
  • Vitamin D for Flu and Flu Pandemics

Childrens-wellness Real, Not Phony Food Safety

  • Food Safety Legislation
  • Leahy’s Food Safety Accountability Act
  • Real Supplement Safety
  • Organic Standards in Danger
  • Say No To GMO
  • What is Government Doing With Our Food and Water?
  • Ban Arsenic and Antibiotics In Animal Feed
  • Raw Milk is Good Milk
  • Label Artificial Hormones in Milk
  • Nuked Almonds Are Not “Raw”
  • Junk Science on Food

dietitian3Fight Healthcare Monopolies

  • Reform FDA
  • Health Care Reform Legislation Threatens Health Freedom
  • Doctors Threatened With Jail
  • State Medical Board Attacks On Integrative MD’s and DO’s
  • Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) Monopoly
  • American Medical Association Monopoly
  • Government for Sale
  • Plastic Bags Are Not Federally Protected
  • Natural and Sustainable Health Care
  • Crony Capitalist Charities

boysshoutingProtect Our Children

  • Runaway Vaccine Schedules
  • Government Is Not a Parent
  • No To More And More Drugs For Children At Younger And Younger Ages
  • Pediatricians Shouldn’t Be Part of the Problem

Tell the TruthTell the Truth

  • Yes to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Especially for Brain Damaged Soldiers
  • ANH-USA Citizen Petition To FDA About Dangerous Chemical BPA
  • TSA Attempts to Cover up Cancer Threats
  • What the Government isn’t Telling you About your Food and Drugs

We thank the Integrative Medicine Fund for its support of ANH-USA educational programs including the educational aspects of our website.

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