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New Cancer Treatment on the Way?

New Cancer Treatment on the Way?
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It mimics what natural substances can already do. But natural substances can’t be patented.
A recent study shows promise for a new method of fighting cancer that involves activating the patient’s own immune system to fight off cancer cells. This is in contrast to most current cancer medicines, which—illogically—destroy the immune system.
Researchers are working on a new class of drugs that would help clear the body of proteins called ligands. These proteins help suppress the immune system and allow cancer cells to hide.
If the new drug is able to make it through the FDA’s drug approval process, it will likely make the developers rich. The National Cancer Institute projects the cost of treating cancer to reach $158 billion by 2020, and a new blockbuster drug is likely to capture a substantial portion of the market.
Fortunately, patients do not have to wait many years to purchase a hyper-expensive drug that will likely be accompanied by terrible side effects to achieve similar results.
Natural enzymes like nattokinase (a fermented soy product), serrapeptase, and lumbrokinase can also clear the body of ligands—particularly one called fibrin. You’re not likely to hear of these benefits, however, since nattokinase is a natural alternative to the expensive drugs being pushed by the pharmaceutical industry.
The development of synthetic drugs that mimic natural substances is nothing new. You may recall our coverage of the amazing results Dr. Mary Newport observed when she started her husband, who had Alzheimer’s, on a regimen of coconut oil. This came about when Dr. Newport learned that the ingredient in a drug trial which was showing promise for treating Alzheimer’s was simply a medium-chain fatty acid derived from coconut oil or palm kernel oil.
The moral of the story? Rather than wait for drugs that are expensive, have painful side effects, or may never arrive, patients should consider natural alternatives offering similar and often safer benefits.

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