What Is Government Doing With Our Food And Water?

What Is Government Doing With Our Food And Water?

********Action Alerts For This Campaign********
Michigan Residents: Rescind the Invasive Species Order!
On April 1, 2012, an Invasive Species Order (ISO) that Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) issued in 2010 went into effect. The ISO prohibits the possession of various breeds of swine; DNR claims that the order will “help stop the spread of feral swine and the disease risk they pose.”
But instead of using a commonsense definition of “feral swine,” the order’s incredibly broad definition makes heritage breed hogs, even those raised on small farms, into prohibited swine. The ISO allows DNR to seize and destroy heritage breeds of pigs raised by Michigan farmers, and many hogs have already been needlessly killed due to the ISO. Possession of prohibited swine after April 1 is a felony with penalties of up to two years in jail and $20,000 in fines per violation. Hog owners are left with the choice of either losing their property without compensation or becoming felons.
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Tell Congress to Close the Halliburton Loophole!
In 2005, the Bush/Cheney Energy Bill exempted natural gas drilling from the Safe Drinking Water Act. For each frack, 80 to 300 tons of chemicals may be used, though the Bush/Cheney Energy provision exempts companies from disclosing the chemicals used during hydraulic fracturing. This is now commonly referred to as the Halliburton Loophole. It is time to close the Halliburton Loophole. Please write to your Congressional representative and your senators today and ask them to support S.587 and require the disclosure of what chemicals are being used in fracking.
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Tell Mayor Bloomberg that Diet Sodas Aren’t the Answer!
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg will ask the Board of Health to ban the sale of sugary drinks larger than 16 ounces by movie theaters, restaurants, mobile food carts, and delis. The proposal would exempt diet drinks.
There is no doubt that consuming lots of sugary soda is bad for one’s health. Banning large-sized sugary drinks but not diet drinks would merely drive consumers to consume more diet drinks—which are extremely dangerous, potentially more than the drinks they would replace.
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Read More About What Government is Doing With Our Food and Water:

“Organic” Baby Food May Soon Contain Who-Knows-What
synthetic baby foodOctober 9, 2012
The National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) is even considering allowing genetically engineered vaccines for organic livestock.
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Doctors Fighting Gag Rule in Pennsylvania
iStock_000003455183XSmallJune 12, 2012
If you’ve been exposed to dangerous fracking chemicals, your doctor can find out what these chemicals are—but can’t tell you!
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New Scientific Data Forces Government to Reverse Its Stance on Fluoride in the Water Supply
water tapMarch 6, 2012
Why are some states simply ignoring the latest studies, and passing new laws that will hurt your teeth and harm your health? Action Alert!
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More About Fracking—and Especially Strontium and Bone Health
shale-gas-diagram_frackingMarch 1, 2011
After last week’s article on the problems being created by hydraulic fracturing, some readers raised a couple of very important questions. We’re happy to provide some clarification.
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Fluoride is Not Enough—Now They Want to Add Calcium to Our Drinking Water!
June 14, 2010
In the wake of the World Health Organization’s swine flu vaccine scandal we told you about last week, we have learned of even more WHO foolishness: they’re now recommending that municipal water supplies and foodstuffs be fortified with added calcium.
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Fluoride—Good for the Teeth but Bad for the Kidneys?
toothpaste_and_brush_spookyOctober 14, 2008
The evidence is mounting that fluoridating the public water supply—a common public health measure—has risks as well as potential benefits. Children and those with chronic kidney disease appear to be most vulnerable to the damaging effects of fluoride. There are excellent alternatives to help you protect your children’s teeth from cavities.
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