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FDA Attacks Natural Thyroid Millions Depend On

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We have learned that Time-Cap Labs, producer of a generic version of the brand name drug Armour, a natural and bioidentical thyroid replacement, has been ordered by the FDA to stop production. The FDA has decided to classify the company’s product, available for over a century, as an unapproved new drug.  Since the new drug approval process is prohibitively expensive for a non-patentable substance, the FDA is in effect banning the natural product.  The purpose?  Presumably to protect the profits of other, inferior drugs that have been FDA approved.
According to statistics by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and other medical organizations, approximately twenty-seven million Americans have a thyroid disorder.  Thyroid consumer advocate Mary Shomon projects that 2 million of these patients take either Armour Thyroid or a generic equivalent.
Armour and other “whole” natural thyroid preparations (including Westhroid and Nathroid as well as Time-Cap Lab’s Thyroid) are bio-identical, complete hormone preparations, containing “T4” “T3” “T2” and “T1” in the same proportions made by the human thyroid.
The FDA approved preparations Synthroid (T4), Cytomel (T3), and Levethyroxine (T4) include bio-identical molecules, but are not complete or totally bio-identical as they do not contain “T2” or “T1”.  It’s no wonder so many people feel much better with the balanced natural products that have been available for generations.
As famed physician Dr. Jonathan Wright observes:  “Natural thyroid has never killed or severely harmed anyone since its first use in the 1890s, prior to the FDA itself. It is a mainstay not only in the treatment of hypothyroidism but also in ‘healthy aging’ therapy. That the FDA should even be thinking of requiring a new drug approval for a safe, 100 plus year old natural treatment is outrageous.”
We will report further as soon as we confirm more of the facts, and as always, we’ll let you know how you can get involved.

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