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The Case for Organic Food and Natural Medicine

The Case for Organic Food and Natural Medicine
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From the Organic Consumers Association

Don’t panic, eat organic. As OCA, and a growing number of nutritionists, medical practitioners, and healers never tire of pointing out, a major defense, and likely our best defense, against chronic disease (affecting now the majority of U.S. adults and children—four times the rate of 40 years ago), the flu, cancer, heart disease, and even engineered viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, is to cultivate a strong immune system, optimum Vitamin D levels, adequate Omega 6 intake, and a healthy microbiome.

And of course the best way to achieve this desired state is to grow, cook, and consume an organic and regenerative diet of fresh whole foods (everyone) and grass-fed or pastured meat and animal products (if you’re a carnivore). In turn this organic diet needs to be complimented by regular exercise, fresh air, sunshine, adequate sleep, positive thoughts, and natural herbs and dietary supplements.

Of course this organic regimen is easier said than done in an engineered “GloboCap” society based upon labor exploitation, 24/7 internet-programming, consumerism, high rents, student debt, racial and gender discrimination, medical malpractice, and an expanded menu of profit-at-any-cost business practices that pollute our air, water, environment, bodies, and our minds.

Read the full article.

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