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UK Government Awards Student Education Plan for Electromagnetic Sensitivity

UK Government Awards Student Education Plan for Electromagnetic Sensitivity
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From Moms Across America

Moms Across America has been addressing wireless tradition in classrooms, and it is a challenging task. Our director, Zen Honeycutt, has spent considerable time researching, gathering experts, writing letters, and meeting with her son’s school district and has made significant progress. The entire school district in North Carolina is lowering the emissions of wireless tradition from the wireless access points by 50-75%. In addition, the school district is addressing her son’s reaction to the high-powered wireless access point he was sitting beneath when he got depressed. Her son, who was diagnosed with Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity (EHS), is, we believe, the first child to receive a public school 504 Plan for Electromagnetic Hyper-Sensitivity in the USA. But the plan is not sufficient, and a formal hearing is pending. If the hearing is not sufficient, the next step would potentially be a lawsuit, as the following family pursued in the UK.

We are thrilled to see progress in the UK, and commend the dedication of the parents and child to preserve in this process for the sake of not just the student but for the sake of all students with EHS. We hope you will share this press release with your technology director and school board, as this is an issue that must be addressed in every school.

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