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Is Cancer Really Just a Fungal Infection?

Is Cancer Really Just a Fungal Infection?
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From Ronald Hoffman, MD.

Recently, a popular website, Gizmodo, regaled readers with the headline: “Our Cancers Are Filled With Fungi”, with the tagline “New research shows that many cancers play host to their own unique microbiomes of fungi, which may affect our chances of surviving them.”

Seeing this, I harkened back to work of Dr. Tullio Simoncini, who was trendy in alternative cancer therapy circles twenty years ago. In 2005, he wrote a book entitled CANCER IS A FUNGUS A Revolution in Tumor Therapy, which enjoyed widespread popularity. According to Wikipedia, Simoncini “was known for the claim that cancer is caused by the fungus Candida albicans, and has argued that cancer is a form of Candida overgrowth.” He advocated for intravenous bicarbonate therapy for cancers and treated patients accordingly.

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