Planned Giving

Give the Gift of Your Lifetime

The Alliance for Natural Health USA can help you plan the right charitable gift in light of your assets, income, family, and other estate or financial obligations. With a well conceived charitable gift arrangement, you may be able to become a greater philanthropist than you realize. Planned gifts can help ensure the future of our organization and insulate us from periodic economic downturns.
If you would like to learn more about us and how your planned gift can help our efforts, please contact our Membership Director at 202-803-5121 or We will be happy to work with you to create your giving plan.
You may choose to give to either ANH-USA’s lobbying efforts, where tax-restrictions may apply. Or to our educational and legal campaigns through a grant from the Natural Health Alliance Foundation.
ANH-USA’s tax identification number is 54-1952806.
NHAF’s tax identification number is 91-1598923.

Planned Giving Opportunities:

Become a Natural Health Guardian (Major Gift/Matching Gift)

  • By making a gift of $10,000 or more, you can fund specific projects and campaigns that we would otherwise lack the resources to pursue. We are also always appreciative of generous donors who will provide matching donations during our semi-annual membership drives. Unrestricted contributions are preferred, but we welcome a conversation if you would like to fund an existing campaign or one in which you have a personal interest.
  • Make this gift because:
    • You want to reduce your taxable estate and earn an income tax deduction.
    • You want to have a significant impact on ANH-USA’s scope and effectiveness.

Stocks and Other Appreciate Securities

  • Gifts of securities (e.g., stocks, bonds, mutual fund shares, etc.) are simple alternatives to cash gifts that can benefit both you and ANH-USA. By directly donating such assets that you have owned for more than one year and that have appreciated in value during that time, you can avoid capital gains taxes and receive an immediate income tax deduction based on their value at the time of your contribution.
  • This type of gift is beneficial because:
    • You want to reduce your taxable estate, earn an income tax deduction, and avoid capital gains tax.
    • You want to make a gift without affecting your current lifestyle or budget.
    • You want to make to make a larger gift than you could otherwise afford.

Real Estate

  • Part or all of a real estate asset can be deeded directly to ANH-USA. Personal residences, vacation homes, and farms can also be deeded to ANH-USA while retaining a life estate (the lifetime right to live in the property) for the donor and spouse. Please always contact ANH-USA first before completing any gift of real estate.
  • Make this gift because:
    • You want to reduce your taxable estate, earn an immediate income tax deduction, and avoid capital gains tax.
    • You want to make a gift without affecting your current lifestyle or budget.
    • You want to make to make a larger gift than you could otherwise afford.

Retirement Plans

  • IRA and retirement plans are among the most expensive assets for your heirs to inherit. Designating ANH-USA as a successor beneficiary of your qualified retirement plan, such as an IRA, 401k, 403b, Keogh plan, pension, etc. to reduce your federal estate and income tax, can help your heirs avoid future income taxes. There is no cost to change the recipient of your retirement plan, you can revoke the designation at any time, and you continue to receive distributions during your lifetime.
  • Make this gift because:
    • You want to reduce your taxable estate and earn an income tax deduction.
    • You want to help your heirs avoid future income taxes.
    • You want to make a gift without affecting your current lifestyle or budget.
    • You want to make to make a larger gift than you could otherwise afford.

Life Insurance

  • Designate ANH-USA as the owner and beneficiary of your existing or a new life insurance plan that you no longer need. You can donate a fully-paid policy that you no longer need, or take out a new policy. Your donation will be exempt from federal estate tax, and you may take an income tax deduction for the value of a fully-paid policy, or future premium payments on a new policy.
  • Make this gift because:
    • You want to reduce your taxable estate and earn an income tax deduction.
    • You want to make a gift without affecting your current lifestyle or budget.
    • You want to make to make a larger gift than you could otherwise afford.


  • Please consider remembering ANH-USA in your will. Charitable bequests are exempt from federal estate tax and allow you to make a substantial gift when you no longer need the assets, at no cost to you during your lifetime. In addition, your donation qualifies for an exemption from federal estate tax and completely avoids capital gains tax. Your gift can be restricted to particular projects, or unrestricted to support our general mission. You don’t have to be wealthy to make a charitable bequest, and making a bequest is easy! We can guide you through the process and provide sample language.
  • Make this gift because:
    • You want to reduce your taxable estate and earn an income tax deduction.
    • You want to make a gift without affecting your current lifestyle or budget.
    • You want to make to make a larger gift than you could otherwise afford.
  • Stocks and Other Appreciate Securities
    • Gifts of securities (e.g., stocks, bonds, mutual fund shares, etc.) are simple alternatives to cash gifts that can benefit both you and ANH-USA. By directly donating such assets that you have owned for more than one year and that have appreciated in value during that time, you can avoid capital gains taxes and receive an immediate income tax deduction based on their value at the time of your contribution.
    • This option is ideal for donors that want to make their donation go further and earn an income tax deduction.

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