TSA Attempts to Cover up Cancer Threats

******* Action Alerts For This Campaign ********
stopTell Congress to Make TSA Get Rid of Cancer-Causing Airport Scanners!
TSA also has a contract with makers of scanners that use millimeter waves, a technology that is thought to be safer—and which also creates a less explicit image of the passenger. Please tell Congress that the time to get rid of all the backscatter machines is now, when some of the machines are being taken out of airports. Remind them that privacy is not the only concern—our health matters even more—and tell them TSA needs to use millimeter wave scanners exclusively.
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Read More About TSA Attempts to Cover up Cancer Threats:

Reports that Backscatter Machines Are Being Removed from Airports False
backscatterDecember 11, 2012
And even worse scanners may be coming.
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The Backlash against Backscatter
TSA Backscatter ImagesJuly 31, 2012
The airport x-ray machines are not safe. And for over a year, TSA has been defying a court order.
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TSA Attempts to Cover up Cancer Threats from its Airport X-ray Machines
tsa_xrayNovember 29, 2011
Forget the embarrassment of your private parts being seen by strangers. The scanners can cause cancer—and TSA is trying to keep you from knowing about it.
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