Reform FDA

Help Us Reform the FDA!

Reform FDA Campaign Overview

The corrupt governmental agency that says it’s “protecting and promoting your health” is directly responsible for the deaths of 50,000 Americans each year. We believe that the FDA is a broken agency that needs a complete reform and restructuring. Join us in calling for a complete overhaul of the US Food and Drug Administration!
In November 2007, the US government released a 60-page report entitled “FDA Science and Mission at Risk.” A more honest title might have been “FDA Science and Mission in Shambles.” Their own words tell the story—and these are direct quotes from the Table of Contents:

  • “The FDA cannot fulfill its mission because its scientific base…is weak.”
  • “The FDA cannot fulfill its mission because its scientific workforce does not have sufficient capacity and capability.”
  • “FDA does not have the capacity to ensure the safety of food for the nation.”
  • “The development of medical products based on ‘new science’ cannot adequately be regulated by the FDA.”

Despite this damning report, the government has refused to act and overhaul the FDA. Consider just a few of the agency’s shocking lapses:

As you can see, the FDA has essentially become a hired gun for the pharmaceutical industry. The agency is shockingly biased in favor of drugs and against nutritional supplements, and will go out of their way to protect Big Pharma’s profits, overreaching beyond their jurisdiction with disturbing power grabs. These failures affect the health of all Americans.
The agency obstructs medical science and innovation. Good drugs are either not approved or are approved after interminable delays. Even after new drugs are shown to be safe, doctors are not allowed to use them with terminally ill patients whose cases are otherwise hopeless. Instead, the FDA approves a shocking number of extremely dangerous and often addictive drugs—often on the basis of a recommendation by panels whose members include consultants from drug companies that have deliberately suppressed unfavorable scientific drug studies.
What is needed is not incremental reform but complete reform, a thorough overhaul of every part of the FDA. The purpose of our Reform FDA campaign is to persuade the American public and Congress that a total reform of the FDA is absolutely necessary in order to rebuild the American healthcare system and make it once again the envy of the world.
We must persuade Congress to address the comprehensive failure of the FDA. Please sign our Reform the FDA Petition, which we will hand-deliver to Congress! We must collect such a large number of names on the petition that it compels congressional action. We will hand-deliver the petition to congressional leaders and urge them to enact comprehensive FDA reform. Congress already knows that the FDA has serious problems. This petition will help move them to take the urgent action required.

Take Action!

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