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Are Millions of Vaccine Injuries Being Ignored?

Are Millions of Vaccine Injuries Being Ignored?
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Surveys suggest that millions of Americans who received COVID vaccines were diagnosed with health conditions soon after vaccination. Action Alert!

The surveys, commissioned by Children’s Health Defense, found that 10 percent of vaccinated individuals regretted getting vaccinated. Further, 15 percent of respondents reported being diagnosed by a medical practitioner with a new condition within weeks or months of getting vaccinated. ANH-USA and ANH-International wrote about this possibility at the beginning of vaccine rollout, warning that massive vaccination campaigns could be lighting the fuse of an autoimmune time bomb. Critical problems with the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) means we may not even understand the full extent of the problem.

Among those who were medically diagnosed with a new condition after vaccination, the top five cited conditions were:

  • 21% blood clots
  • 19% heart attack
  • 18% liver damage
  • 17% leg clots/lung clots
  • 15% stroke

A second survey found that 22 percent of respondents had been diagnosed with a medical issue following COVID vaccination, with autoimmune conditions being the most prevalent.

The VAERS database lists over 3.5 million reported adverse events related to COVID vaccines, but as we’ve pointed out before, VAERS may miss as many as 99 percent of vaccine reactions. These failings were underscored by a recent study finding that data had been deleted from VAERS and there was a significant amount of lag time between a reported reaction and its addition to VAERS, leading the researcher to conclude that VAERS is not an effective tool for “collecting, monitoring, and evaluating adverse events for safety signals to reduce harm to the public.”

There have also been reports of menstrual irregularities in women receiving the COVID vaccine. A recent analysis found a statistically significant connection between irregular bleeding and COVID vaccination, but dismissed the issue as being negligible at the population level. As our friends at ANH-International point out, like the failings of VAERS, the study “does not take account of the possibility that women may not have reported such issues.”

This all shouldn’t come as a huge surprise given these vaccines were fast-tracked through the normal approval procedures.

This data makes it all the more concerning that COVID vaccines have been approved for six-month-old babies. We’ve laid out the case showing that the risk to young children from COVID is very, very small. The only reasonable explanation for vaccinating young children against COVID, to us, is to move toward getting annual, required COVID shots for young children. This would permanently shield COVID vaccine makers from liability for the damage their shots cause—which, as we’ve seen, is quite substantial. We cannot let this crony scheme succeed.

Action Alert! Write to Congress and tell them we cannot sacrifice children’s health for vaccine manufacturer profits. Please send your message immediately.

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