Totalitarian Medicine on the Horizon

Totalitarian Medicine on the Horizon

Powerful forces are working to centralize healthcare decision-making in a small group of elites at the World Health Organization (WHO). We have to push back NOW to stop it. Action Alert! The ability for you to make informed decisions about you and your family’s health is being threatened by proposed changes to international pandemic laws […]

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Feds Clueless on Frankensoil

Feds Clueless on Frankensoil

The laws and policies governing the use of genetically engineered (GE) soil microbes are confusing, outdated, and desperately inadequate given the potential risks to humans and the environment. We need to demand better of our lawmakers. Action Alert! A few weeks ago, we reported on the next big thing in the agrichemical industry: the use […]

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The Quiet Epidemic Wrecking Our Children’s Health

The Quiet Epidemic Wrecking Our Children’s Health

Two closely related autoimmune conditions are wreaking havoc with the health of many thousands of American kids, and conventional medicine has little to offer. The conditions are devastating not just for the affected kids, but also for their families. The conditions are called PANS and PANDAS, which stand for Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) and […]

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The End of Obesity?

The End of Obesity?

From Ronald Hoffman, MD – ANH-USA Board President and Medical Director Obesity is one of the most daunting health challenges America faces. Nationally, 41.6% of Americans qualify as obese; in the 1950s only 10% were obese. Rates are also soaring among children and adolescents, with nearly 20% of U.S. children ages 2 to 19 having […]

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FTC “Clarifies” How It Will Censor Supplement Claims

FTC “Clarifies” How It Will Censor Supplement Claims

While the FTC appears to have backtracked slightly on its draconian campaign to censor supplement health claims, it is really a classic example of doublespeak. Action Alert! The FTC is working to conceal the remarkable truth about the healing and disease-preventing powers of foods and nutrients. This is only good if you’re a drug company […]

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FDA Launches Lab Test Attack

FDA Launches Lab Test Attack

A new proposal from the FDA will compromise your ability to get the personalized medical care you need. Action Alert! We reported a few months ago that the FDA was planning to propose a new rule to extend its power over laboratory developed tests (LDTs). That proposal was published last week, and, in line with […]

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Is It Time to Talk About COVID Again?

Is It Time to Talk About COVID Again?

From Ronald Hoffman, MD – ANH-USA Board President and Medical Director Yes, there’s a COVID uptick, with more people reporting infections. A few patients here and there in my practice have had it recently. Some are COVID “virgins” who have until now eluded infections; others are pre-infected and vaccinated, some with multiple boosters. All have reported mild […]

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Why Aren’t They Telling Us What’s Making Us Sick?

Why Aren’t They Telling Us What’s Making Us Sick?

Microplastics, synthetic chemicals like “forever” chemicals, and digital electromagnetic fields (EMF) saturate the world, but lawmakers seem content to let us be the guinea pigs as scientists sound the alarm about the dangers of these exposures. Action Alerts! A recent opinion piece in the New York Times, “Our Way of Life is Poisoning Us,” correctly […]

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The PFAS ‘Dirty Dozen’ Exposed

The PFAS ‘Dirty Dozen’ Exposed

From ANH-International ‘Forever chemicals’, known chemically as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances or PFAS, are not just persistent and hazardous to life, they are also all-pervasive. From our food, water, soil, rain to the paper straws we use and the blood of our children, PFAS are everywhere. The negative, diverse and insidious effects of PFAS on health are the subject of […]

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