Skin Wrinkling: What You Eat Can Make a Lifetime of Difference!

Skin Wrinkling: What You Eat Can Make a Lifetime of Difference!

Your skin is your body’s largest organ. Like other organs, it needs to be nourished and protected from damaging stressors. The damage can be from sunlight, inflammation, and limited blood supply, which can deplete the antioxidant nutrients. If the depletion of nutrients persists, our skin ages and wrinkles are formed. A study published in the […]

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Kidney Stones and Roller Coasters

Kidney Stones and Roller Coasters

Research shows that going on a roller coaster can help pass kidney stones. A rapidly administered intravenous “push” of magnesium can also provide relief. Kidney stones bothering you? Often it’s much more than just a bother. Ask anyone who’s had kidney stones: they can hurt—from a little, to very, very much! What to do to […]

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Antipsychotics: Are They Killing OLD People?

Antipsychotics: Are They Killing OLD People?

More reason to question their common use among the very old and very young. A new study has found that taking powerful antipsychotic drugs significantly increases the likelihood of premature death for Alzheimer’s patients. The study looked at 58,000 people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s between 2005 and 2011. Those who were prescribed antipsychotics (usually to control […]

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Hospital Malpractice

Hospital Malpractice

Is it reaching a criminal level? A recent report by Reuters details how hospitals around the country are outrageously negligent when it comes to reporting outbreaks of antibiotic-resistant infections, and it’s costing lives. Consider this story. Between 2008 and 2011, twenty-one patients were infected with a deadly, drug-resistant bug at St. Anthony’s Medical Center in […]

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Drugs Don’t Work!

Drugs Don’t Work!

Studies on the effectiveness of the drug industry’s biggest sellers are frankly shocking, according to researchers. We—as individual consumers and as taxpayers—are apparently wasting money on expensive drugs that don’t work. And the side effects are often disastrous. “Every day, millions of people are taking medications that will not help them,” says Nicholas J. Schork, […]

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Want Your Kid to Have Asthma? Take Acid Blockers!

Want Your Kid to Have Asthma? Take Acid Blockers!

Not only do they make your acid reflux problems worse, they actually sicken your unborn child. Action Alert! An analysis of eight different studies, including data from over 1.6 million patients, found that taking heartburn medication during pregnancy significantly increases the risk for asthma for the baby. The researchers found that proton pump inhibitors (such […]

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