In Pain? Feds Don’t Care!

In Pain? Feds Don’t Care!

Another key natural medicine to bite the dust? Action Alert! The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is moving against cannabidiol (CBD), a supplement used to control pain and inflammation. The circumstances are extremely suspicious. Late last year, the DEA published a final rule that classifies marijuana and hemp extracts, including CBD, as Schedule 1 controlled substances—a […]

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Is Your Town Leaking Lead?

Is Your Town Leaking Lead?

Governments and much of the press seem to be covering up that Flint is just the tip of the iceberg. State-based Action Alert! We reported last month that in Flint, Michigan, tap water in residents’ homes contained astonishing levels of lead, as high as 104 parts per billion (ppb), when the Environmental Protection Agency’s limit […]

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Here We Go Again: FDA Defies Congress

Here We Go Again: FDA Defies Congress

And hobbles your doctor. Action Alert! In the waning days of 2016, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ignored the expressed will of Congress. The agency completed a “guidance” document that prohibits traditional compounding pharmacies from stocking doctors’ offices with custom drugs. In December 2015, Congress included a provision in an end-of-the-year spending bill […]

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Men: Low Testosterone Means Much More than Just Low Testosterone

Men: Low Testosterone Means Much More than Just Low Testosterone

Testosterone levels in younger men have been declining for the last several decades. Declining levels of key nutrients in our food is one significant reason; the other is the abundance of toxic chemicals we encounter every day. Natural treatments to increase “free” testosterone include therapies that help detoxify the body, and supplementation with vital nutrients […]

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Fluoridation Increases Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Fluoridation Increases Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Fluoride, added to community water supplies, is linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes in adults, and IQ impairment in children. The media has generally been silent regarding these findings, which allows public health authorities to ignore the science. The fluoridation of water is strongly opposed by top scientists at the Environmental Protection […]

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New Hope for Multiple Sclerosis

New Hope for Multiple Sclerosis

Biotin, often called vitamin H and sometimes vitamin B7, can actually reverse disabling multiple sclerosis symptoms, according to research scientists. It takes a number of months for biotin to do its work, but the improvements are long-lasting. Researchers saw the biggest improvements in spinal cord involvement and vision. Relatively recently reported research[1] (2015) tells us […]

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Are GMOs the Same as Conventional Crops?

Are GMOs the Same as Conventional Crops?

Of course not. But that is what the US government has been pretending. Action Alert! A new study states authoritatively, in scientific terms, that GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and conventional crops are different and explains why. This is a critical first step toward making it easier for you to have a choice about whether GM […]

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