Now Serving: Colorectal Cancer

Now Serving: Colorectal Cancer

A new study links ultra-processed food with increased colorectal cancer in men. If you needed any more reason to avoid ultra-processed foods, here’s some “food” for thought: a new study has found that consumption of these junk foods increases men’s risk for colorectal cancer by almost a third. Other studies have linked these foods to […]

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The Onslaught of Genetic Engineering 2.0

The Onslaught of Genetic Engineering 2.0

From Organic Consumers Association Over the past 30 years OCA and our allies across the world have fought hard against gene-spliced GMO foods and crops and the toxic pesticides and chemicals that always accompany them, exposing their dangers, limiting their market share, and in some countries bringing about mandatory bans (Mexico) and/or labeling and safety-testing. […]

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Are Organic Hair Dyes Safer?

Are Organic Hair Dyes Safer?

There are a variety of products claiming to be “cleaner” than conventional hair dyes, but are they actually safer? Somewhere between 66-74 percent of women use hair-coloring products. Many companies began offering “organic” products as concerns about the toxicity of some of the chemicals used in permanent or semi-permanent hair dyes rose… This gives consumers […]

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Saving Lives—and Money—with Supplements

Saving Lives—and Money—with Supplements

A new report details the incredible savings, both in terms of human lives and economic costs, from embracing commonsense preventative medicine with supplements. Action Alert! The report, “Supplements to Savings,” was produced by the Council for Responsible Nutrition, a trade group for the supplement industry. It is a serious attempt to quantify how much can […]

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Does the Virus Exist? A Critical Need for Resolution

Does the Virus Exist? A Critical Need for Resolution

From ANH-International How polarization of views on SARS-CoV-2 and ‘pathogenic viruses’ will divide and conquer the health freedom movement. The airwaves of alt media are once again bristling with strings of activity over whether or not COVID-19 is a manipulated hoax that doesn’t even involve an infectious microbial agent in the form of SARS-CoV-2.  This […]

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There’s a Superfood Growing in Your Garden

There’s a Superfood Growing in Your Garden

From Joseph Mercola, DO This tasty superfood is easily grown in your garden or containers. Harvested 40 days after planting, it’s packed with nutrition and fiber and has several health benefits, including blood sugar control and heart and gut health. The peak harvesting season for this delicious member of the gourd family in the northern […]

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Why Are Americans Dying Earlier?

Why Are Americans Dying Earlier?

Troubling signs about the future of healthcare in this country show the urgent need to embrace regenerative health solutions. A new analysis found that US life expectancy has dropped for the second year in a row, by about six months in 2021, after falling by two years in 2020. This has driven overall US life expectancy to […]

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Are Eggs Healthy?

Are Eggs Healthy?

Sorting through the conflicting information on the health benefits of eggs. Are eggs a nutrient powerhouse or the ticket to heart disease? Decades of misinformation have confused the issue of whether eggs are healthy or not. The confusion centers on saturated fat and cholesterol. Government “experts” have, as far back as the 1960s, told Americans […]

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Can Too Much Exercise be Bad?

Can Too Much Exercise be Bad?

From Ronald Hoffman, MD In the field of sports medicine, no question has generated more controversy. While exercise is unquestionably beneficial overall, is there a point where too much becomes detrimental? The U.S. Health and Human Services guidelines for physical activity state that adults should get 150 to 300 minutes of moderate physical activity or 75 to […]

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