Are You Prepared to Be Psychologically “Vaccinated”?

Are You Prepared to Be Psychologically “Vaccinated”?

The war on “misinformation” takes a dangerous turn. Action Alert! Listen to the audio version of this article: THE TOPLINE Imagine if people could be psychologically ‘vaccinated’ so that they would produce mental antibodies that would make them resistant to misinformation. Well, stop imagining. It’s already happening, it’s been tried and tested in collaboration with, […]

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FDA Launches Lab Test Broadside

FDA Launches Lab Test Broadside

We can’t let the agency get away with its latest power-grab that will jeopardize your health. Action Alert! Listen to the audio version of this article: THE TOPLINE Do you and your healthcare provider rely on a wide array of lab tests to help you monitor and manage your health? The FDA has just thrown […]

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Feds Open Pandora’s Box

Feds Open Pandora’s Box

Are you concerned that genetic experiments on our food supply might endanger human and planetary health? So are we—and that’s why we must take action to derail the feds’ latest plan. Action Alert! Listen to the audio version of this article. THE TOPLINE Are you worried that there aren’t enough GE foods, or that it […]

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49 Senators and 22 AGs Oppose WHO Takeover

49 Senators and 22 AGs Oppose WHO Takeover

Elected officials are listening to your messages! We need to keep the pressure up to prevent the World Health Organization’s (WHO) power grab. Action Alert! Listen to the audio version of this article: THE TOPLINE Last week, almost half of the US Senate sent a strong letter to President Biden, urging his administration to oppose […]

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The Censorship Plot Thickens

The Censorship Plot Thickens

More revelations about how government officials pressured Big Tech to clamp down on free speech, underscoring the urgency behind our FreeSpeech4Health campaign. Action Alert! Listen to the audio version of this article: THE TOPLINE Information that could improve your health, even save your life, is being wiped by content moderators or shadowbanned—manipulated by algorithms so […]

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New Attack on Supplements in the Works

New Attack on Supplements in the Works

A new bill would give the FDA more power to ban supplements you rely on. We must stand against it. Action Alert! Listen to the audio version of this article: THE TOPLINE Your ability to access a wide range of innovative and efficacious supplements is being threatened by two initiatives in Congress. If it wasn’t […]

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Poisoned Produce

Poisoned Produce

How government agencies meant to protect the public are utterly failing to keep our food safe and contaminant-free. Action Alert! Listen to the audio version of this article: THE TOPLINE In our busy lives, it’s hard to always eat fresh, healthy foods. When we take the time to cook meals with lots of fruits and […]

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