New Hope for Alzheimer’s

New Hope for Alzheimer’s

Emerging research underscores the critical need to protect compounded bioidentical hormones. Action Alert! Almost six million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, and it is projected to afflict many more in coming years. Big Pharma has been unable to produce drugs that treat this debilitating disease. New research, however, is suggesting that Alzheimer’s is more complex […]

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Supreme Court Denies Pharma Fish Oil Monopoly

Supreme Court Denies Pharma Fish Oil Monopoly

Amarin wanted an import ban on certain fish oil supplements. In a win for consumer access to natural products, the Supreme Court has denied Amarin’s final petition for appeal in the company’s effort to corner the market on fish oil. In 2017, Amarin asked the US International Trade Commission (ITC) to ban the importation of omega-3 dietary […]

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Parkinson’s, Paraquat and Produce

Parkinson’s, Paraquat and Produce

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is deciding whether to ban paraquat, a dangerous herbicide. Let’s make sure they do. Action Alert! The EPA is asking for public comment on its human health and ecological risk assessment for paraquat, a dangerous herbicide that is linked with Parkinson’s Disease. We must demand that the EPA ban this […]

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FDA Renews Attack on Homeopathy

FDA Renews Attack on Homeopathy

The agency is doubling down on a bad guidance that endangers access to important medicines. Action Alert! Recently, the FDA announced the withdrawal of Compliance Policy Guide 400.400, a document that had been in place since 1988 and which established the agency’s enforcement policies regarding homeopathic medicines. In its place, the FDA has issued a […]

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“Approved” “Hormone Therapy” For Women is Mostly Not Bio-Identical, is “One-Size-Fits-All,” and Not Safe for Use

“Approved” “Hormone Therapy” For Women is Mostly Not Bio-Identical, is “One-Size-Fits-All,” and Not Safe for Use

The following article is by Dr. Jonathan V. Wright. The original article appears in the November 2019 issue of the Green Medicine Newsletter. Action Alert! The September 24th issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (“JAMA”) reprinted[1] an article originally published in The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics which told us about the […]

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TDF drugs damage the kidneys and bones

TDF drugs damage the kidneys and bones

TDF drugs are antiretrovirals used to treat HIV.  Gilead Sciences markets TDF in combination with other drugs under the brand name Truvada, as well as other names such as Atripla, Complera, Stribild, Symfi-Lo, Cimduo and Viread. Studies have found TDF drugs to be damaging to the kidneys and bones—dangers that were not properly disclosed to […]

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Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) and kidney disease

Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) and kidney disease

Millions of Americans have taken PPIs like Prilosec, Nexium and Prevacid to treat heartburn. These drugs have been promoted as a safe and more effective alternative to other antacid treatments and have been widely prescribed. These drugs, however, can allegedly cause extensive kidney damage. Numerous studies have shown the potential for injury from PPI use, […]

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