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Can C19 Genetic Vaccines Trigger Cancer?

Can C19 Genetic Vaccines Trigger Cancer?
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Exploring whether covid backlogs, coincidence or rare side effects are masking a genuine and significant signal.

From ANH-International.

Professor emeritus Michel Goldman MD PhD is one of Europe’s leading doctors and immunologists. He’s the founder and the President of the I³h Institute and Professor of Immunology and Pharmacotherapy at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). He’s spent a lifetime developing new drugs and has been a long-running champion of vaccines, most recently mRNA vaccines used to combat covid-19 (C19).

When he wrote a piece for Science Business in February 2021 pushing for more C19 vaccines in Europe, he wouldn’t have known his own life might be compromised by the very products he was so passionately advocating.

Five months after receiving his second of two doses of the Pfizer C19 mRNA ‘genetic vaccine’, Prof Goldman felt unwell with flu-like symptoms and swollen lymph nodes. His brother, Serge Goldman, head of the nuclear medicine department at ULB, ran a CT scan of him. That led to the diagnosis of a specific type of lymphoma, AngioImmunoblastic T cell Lymphoma (AITL).

Dr Goldman knew his immune system was going to take a hammering from chemotherapy, so he decided to get his third, ‘booster,’ jab, in the hope it might give him some protection against C19 disease should he contract the virus while undergoing treatment. But another scan just 8 days later showed the cancer had gone into overdrive – appearing like fireworks throughout much of his body on the PET/CT scan…

Lymphoma risk is something that should be near the center of the pharmacovigilance radar of health authorities. That’s because it’s known that the C19 jabs often causes swelling of lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy) (as in Goldman’s case, and here and here, sometimes so much so that when it occurs in a woman’s breasts it can look like breast cancer). But as Dr Goldman knows too well, there can be a very fine line between an agent that causes swollen lymph nodes and one that triggers or promotes cancer in a person’s lymph – i.e. lymphoma.

Read the full article.

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