Why Does the FDA Maintain a Conspiracy of Silence about the Health Benefits of Vitamin D?

Why Does the FDA Maintain a Conspiracy of Silence about the Health Benefits of Vitamin D?

In other vitamin news, British researchers have found that vitamin D may help slow aging—in the study, women with higher vitamin D levels showed fewer aging-related changes in their DNA. Professor Brent Richards, who led the study, said, “This could help to explain how vitamin D has a protective effect on many aging-related diseases, such […]

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Genetically Altered Animals and Foods—AAHF Looks at the Issues

On February 6, the FDA made history by approving the first drug made with materials from genetically engineered (GE) goats. Last month the Agency issued guidelines covering how it will regulate products from genetically altered animals, despite controversy about this technology. The bottom line is that this stamp of approval comes with little knowledge of […]

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