You Did It! You Helped Ban BPA in Delaware!
A few weeks ago we issued an Action Alert to help pass an important bill to fight BPA in Delaware. Thanks to your activism, Delaware’s children will be healthier.
A few weeks ago we issued an Action Alert to help pass an important bill to fight BPA in Delaware. Thanks to your activism, Delaware’s children will be healthier.
After thirty-three years of deliberation, the FDA tells consumers it’s OK to put toxic substances on their skin, and advises them to avoid natural sunlight!
We wish we could say we are surprised. Registered dietitians are now being given formal education by the Coca-Cola Company on how safe its ingredients are.
The world knows how dangerous BPA is. Even China, following the lead of Europe and Canada, has now banned BPA in baby bottles. In the absence of leadership from the federal government, many states have also started to take action.
Call it the sledgehammer approach to medicine. Rather than catching or curing disease, aggressive cancer screenings and unnecessary biopsies are actually spreading deadly “superbugs” among patients.
The ADA is clever. It gets legislation passed under the radar, when no one is looking. And natural health nutritionists are getting a rotten deal.
A government agency doesn’t think your family is worth protecting from BPA in cash register receipts—that workers may be affected by it, but not consumers. Huh? Doesn’t the cashier put the receipt right into your hand? Tell them this is ridiculous with our Action Alert!
We took ’em to court—and we won! A federal court has found the FDA’s stance against vitamin health claims to be unconstitutional!
As biased as most of the medical community is against Integrative Medicine, which includes natural health approaches, it’s heartening indeed that Texas may recognize it and even set up a board that understands it!
The North Carolina Senate is likely voting on a bill this evening which will make the unlicensed and unregistered practice of “medicine or surgery” a felony. The problem is that “medicine or surgery” is unnecessarily vague, and may include some alternative health practices. Please take action immediately!