Big Pharma Buying Up Supplement Companies

Big Pharma Buying Up Supplement Companies

Major shifts are, and have been, occurring in the supplement industry. Here’s how they could affect your access. Correction (11/28/2022): The infographic below detailing supplement companies owned by larger companies originally indicated Planet Paleo was owned by HGGC, which is incorrect. The company owned by HGGC is Paleo Planet. Over the last few decades, mega-corporations […]

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Vitamin D — An Evolutionary Tale for Application

Vitamin D — An Evolutionary Tale for Application

November 2nd was ‘World Vitamin D Day’ – we say every day should be a vitamin D day! From ANH-International. If there was one vitamin that was, in fairly equal measure, controversial, maligned, disputed and yet completely essential for the proper function of nearly every cell and tissue in our bodies, it would be vitamin D – ‘the sunshine vitamin’. […]

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Mental Health: Nutrition Matters!

Mental Health: Nutrition Matters!

From Ron Hoffman, MD. I just got back from the American Nutrition Association Annual Summit in San Diego. The theme was the impact of nutrition on mental health. It was an awesome assembly of great researchers and speakers, and it’ll provide me with fodder for many Intelligent Medicine articles and podcasts in the new year. Presenter after […]

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FDA Attacks Heart Health Modality

FDA Attacks Heart Health Modality

The FDA appears to be moving against compounded EDTA, a crucial medicine used to remove heavy metals from the body. Action Alert! Earlier this month, the FDA announced that edetate disodium (EDTA) made at compounding pharmacies poses “significant safety risks.”  This kind of move is a prelude to a full ban on individualized EDTA medicines, […]

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Celebrate, Don’t Medicalize, Menopause!

Celebrate, Don’t Medicalize, Menopause!

From ANH-International. Should women be helped to embrace, rather than be made to fear, this natural life stage? The gaslighting of women over menopause in recent years has left many terrified of what awaits them as they approach their transition through this entirely natural life stage. More and more young women are expressing their fear […]

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What Can We Do About Toxic School Lunches?

What Can We Do About Toxic School Lunches?

From Moms Across America You have likely seen the National School Lunch Testing Program results, showing that 95.3% of the 43 school lunch samples tested were positive for glyphosate, 74% were positive for other harmful pesticides, 100% were positive for neurotoxic heavy metals, high levels of veterinary drugs and hormones were detected and low levels of nutrients. […]

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COVID Vax Handed Permanent Immunity & Fauci Says to Expect Annual Shots

COVID Vax Handed Permanent Immunity & Fauci Says to Expect Annual Shots

As we’ve long suspected would happen, last week the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted unanimously to recommend adding COVID-19 vaccines to the federal Vaccines for Children Program and to the 2023 childhood, adolescent and adult immunization schedules. Action Alert! This follows Anthony Fauci’s statement last month that we should soon expect […]

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